Man pages for gerasy1987/usefulr
Various Useful Custom Functions

absorbFunction to pass to lfe::getfe() function to return intercept...
analysesAnalysis Function for Replications.
clusterboot_mfxPerform iteration of clustered marginal effects
estimate_lmOLS Estimator
fix_joinFix names of variables after join operation
froundTake a numeric and return its rounded value with set number...
linebreak2LaTeX Helper to Create a Cell Linebreak by Symbol Length...
loo_helperLeave-m-out estimation
make_analysesEstimation Function
make_tableGenerate markdown or LaTeX table from list of analyses2()...
mgsubMultiple pattern replacement.
pfroundTake a numeric and return its rounded value with set number...
set_seedWrapper for set.seed function in R.
stata_sumFunction to produce Stata-like variable(s) summary
wtd_meanCompute weighted mean.
wtd_sdCompute weighted standard deviation.
gerasy1987/usefulr documentation built on Aug. 31, 2021, 4:25 p.m.