mergeDesc: Prepares a matrix for 'htmlTable' from a list

View source: R/mergeDesc.R

mergeDescR Documentation

Prepares a matrix for htmlTable from a list


By putting all the output from the getDescriptionStatsBy into a list, naming each element that we want in an rgroup we can automatically merge everything and create an object ready for the htmlTable.


mergeDesc(..., htmlTable_args = list())



One or more elements coming from getDescriptionStatsBy. You can also provide pure output from the getDescriptionStatsBy function and have the function merge this together with the ... argument. Note that all elements must have the same by argument or you will not be able to merge it into a list.


Any arguments that should be passed to htmlTable function. The default is to remove any css formatting for the rgroup.


matrix Returns a matrix object of class descList

The rgroup value

The value for the rgroup is by default the name of the list element. If you have passed a list without a name for that particular element or if you have passed a matrix it will look for a label set by the Hmisc::label function. For those elements that have only one row no rgroup is set, and the naming sequence is the same as above but with an additional rownames if the previous two turn out empty. All this behavior is exemplified in the example.

The rgroup value can be overridden by simply specifying a custom rgroup when calling the htmlTable function.

The colnames of the matrix

The function chooses the colnames from the first element in the tlist.



mtcars %<>%
  mutate(am = factor(am, levels = 0:1, labels = c("Automatic", "Manual")),
         vs = factor(vs, levels = 0:1, labels = c("V-shaped", "straight")),
         drat_prop = drat > median(drat),
         drat_prop = factor(drat_prop,
                            levels = c(FALSE, TRUE),
                            labels = c("High ratio", "Low ratio")),
         carb_prop = carb > 2,
         carb_prop = factor(carb_prop,
                            levels = c(FALSE, TRUE),
                            labels = c("&le; 2", "&gt; 2")),
         across(c(gear, carb, cyl), factor))

# A simple bare-bone example
mtcars %>%
  getDescriptionStatsBy(`Miles per gallon` = mpg,
                        Weight = wt,
                        `Carborators &le; 2` = carb_prop,
                        by = am) %>%
  htmlTable(caption  = "Basic continuous stats from the mtcars dataset")
invisible(readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to continue"))

# For labeling & units we use set_column_labels/set_column_unit that use
# the Hmisc package annotation functions
mtcars %<>%
  set_column_labels(am = "Transmission",
                    mpg = "Gas",
                    wt = "Weight",
                    gear = "Gears",
                    disp = "Displacement",
                    vs = "Engine type",
                    drat_prop = "Rear axel ratio",
                    carb_prop = "Carburetors") %>%
  set_column_units(mpg = "Miles/(US) gallon",
                   wt = "10<sup>3</sup> lbs",
                   disp = "")

mtcars %>%
                        `Gear&dagger;` = gear,
                        by = am,
                        header_count = TRUE,
                        use_units = TRUE,
                        show_all_values = TRUE)  %>%
  addHtmlTableStyle(pos.caption = "bottom") %>%
  htmlTable(caption  = "Stats from the mtcars dataset",
            tfoot = "&dagger; Number of forward gears")
invisible(readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to continue"))

# Using the default parameter we can
mtcars %>%
                        `Gear&dagger;` = gear,
                        by = am,
                        header_count = TRUE,
                        use_units = TRUE,
                        default_ref = c(drat_prop = "Low ratio",
                                        carb_prop = "&gt; 2"))  %>%
  addHtmlTableStyle(pos.caption = "bottom") %>%
  htmlTable(caption  = "Stats from the mtcars dataset",
            tfoot = "&dagger; Number of forward gears")
invisible(readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to continue"))

# We can also use lists
tll <- list()
tll[["Gear (3 to 5)"]] <- getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$gear, mtcars$am)
tll <- c(tll,
         list(getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$disp, mtcars$am)))

          htmlTable_args = list(caption  = "Factored variables")) %>%
  htmlTable::addHtmlTableStyle(css.rgroup = "")
invisible(readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to continue"))

tl_no_units <- list()
tl_no_units[["Gas (mile/gallons)"]] <-
  getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$am,
                        header_count = TRUE)
tl_no_units[["Weight (10<sup>3</sup> kg)"]] <-
  getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$wt, mtcars$am,
                        header_count = TRUE)
          tll) %>%
  htmlTable::addHtmlTableStyle(css.rgroup = "")
invisible(readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to continue"))

# Other settings
mtcars$mpg[sample(1:NROW(mtcars), size = 5)] <- NA
                      statistics = TRUE)
invisible(readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to continue"))

# Do the horizontal version
                      statistics = TRUE,
                      hrzl_prop = TRUE)
invisible(readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to continue"))

mtcars$wt_with_missing <- mtcars$wt
mtcars$wt_with_missing[sample(1:NROW(mtcars), size = 8)] <- NA
getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$wt_with_missing, mtcars$am, statistics = TRUE,
                      hrzl_prop = TRUE, total_col_show_perc = FALSE)
invisible(readline(prompt = "Press [enter] to continue"))

## Not run: 
  ## There is also a LaTeX wrapper
  tll <- list(
    getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$gear, mtcars$am),
    getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$col, mtcars$am))

        caption  = "Factored variables",
        file = "")

## End(Not run)

gforge/Gmisc documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 7:38 a.m.