Man pages for ggobi/DescribeDisplay
An Interface to the 'DescribeDisplay' 'GGobi' Plugin

addbrushAdd brush to plot This adds a rectangle to a ggplot plot...
axesGrobAxes grob Construct grob for axes.
axesViewportAxes viewport Construct viewport for axes.
compact_pcpCompact pcp data A parallel coordinates is written out as a...
compact_scatmatCompact scatmat data A scatter plot matrix is made from the...
compact_timeseriesCompact time series data A time series plot is made from...
dd_clean_plotClean plot data structure Cleans up plot data structure into...
dd_defaultsDescribe display plot defaults Gather overall plot defaults...
dd_edgesDescribe display edge data Retrieves the describe display...
dd_exampleLoad example describe display file Load example describe...
dd_loadLoad describe display Retrieve output of from describe...
ddpanelGrobPanel grob Construct grob for single panel.
dd_plot_classDescribe display plot class Compute valid R class name for...
dd_pointsDescribe display points data Retrieves the describe display...
dd_tour_axesDescribe display tour axis Return representation of axes for...
describedisplayreshapeR interface to DescribeDisplay (GGobi plugin).
geom_axisGeom Axis.
ggplot.barplotCreate a nice plot for Bar Plots Create a nice looking plot...
ggplot.ddCreate a nice plot Create a nice looking plot complete with...
ggplot.ddplotCreate a nice plot Create a nice looking plot complete with...
ggplot.histogramCreate a nice plot for Histograms Create a nice looking plot...
ggplot.parcoordsCreate a nice plot for parallel coordinates plot Create a...
ggplot.scatmatCreate a nice plots in a scatter plot matrix Create a nice...
ggplot.timeseriesCreate nice plots for a time series Create nice looking plots...
plot.ddDraw dd plot Draw a complete describe display.
plot.ddplotPlot a dd plot Convenient method to draw a single panel.
range01Scale the values by range Divide the values of the objects by...
removehiddensRemove hidden points Will remove all hidden points from the...
zeeThemAllRun All Examples Will run all examples within the package
ggobi/DescribeDisplay documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 7:41 a.m.