nasa: Data from the Data Expo JSM 2006.

nasaR Documentation

Data from the Data Expo JSM 2006.


This data was provided by NASA for the competition.




A data frame with 41472 rows and 17 variables


The data shows 6 years of monthly measurements of a 24x24 spatial grid from Central America:

  • time integer specifying temporal order of measurements

  • x, y, lat, long spatial location of measurements.

  • cloudhigh, cloudlow, cloudmid, ozone, pressure, surftemp, temperature are the various satellite measurements.

  • date, day, month, year specifying the time of measurements.

  • id unique ide for each spatial position.


Murrell, P. (2010) The 2006 Data Expo of the American Statistical Association. Computational Statistics, 25:551-554.

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