SWSamp-package: SWSamp

SWSamp-packageR Documentation



Sample size calculations for a Stepped Wedge Trial


Package: SWSamp
Type: Package
Version: 0.3.2
Date: 2021-11-10
License: GPL2
LazyLoad: yes

The package provides a suite of function to compute the power for a Stepped Wedge Design under different assumptions. The package can generate power based on simulations or use closed-formulae based on Hussey et Hughes


Gianluca Baio

Maintainer: Gianluca Baio (g.baio@ucl.ac.uk)


Baio, G; Copas, A; Ambler, G; Hargreaves, J; Beard, E; and Omar, RZ Sample size calculation for a stepped wedge trial. Trials, 16:354. Aug 2015.

Hussey M and Hughes J. Design and analysis of stepped wedge cluster randomized trials. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 28(2):182-91. Epub 2006 Jul 7. Feb 2007

giabaio/SWSamp documentation built on Nov. 14, 2022, 2:24 p.m.