Man pages for gianmarcoalberti/GmAMisc
Gianmarco Alberti Miscellaneous

AindexR function for calculating the Hodder-Okell's A index of...
assemblageDataset: distribution of 7 archaeological objects across 9...
aucadjR function for optimism-adjusted AUC (internal validation)
BRsimR function for Brainerd-Robinson similarity coefficient (and...
chipermR function for permutation-based chi-square test of...
deathsDataset: location of cholera deaths in London (after Dr...
destin_locDataset: locations on the volcano Maunga Whau (Auckland, New...
distCovarModelR function to model (and test) the dependence of a point...
distRandCumR function to test the significance of the spatial...
distRandSignR function to test for a significant spatial association...
etnaDataset: Digital Terrain Model representing part of the Etna...
etna_startDataset: location on the Etna volcano (Sicily, Italy)
etna_stopDataset: location on the Etna volcano (Sicily, Italy)
eventsDataset: location of fictional events
faultsDataset: geological fault-lines in Malta
featClustR function for features clustering on the basis of...
impRstR function to easily import a raster dataset into R
impShpR function to easily import a vectorial dataset (shapefile)...
kwPlotR function for visually displaying Kruskal-Wallis test's...
landfClassR function for landform classification on the basis od...
locationsDataset: location of fictional locations
logregrR function easy binary Logistic Regression and model...
log_regr_dataDataset: admission to graduate school
malta_dtm_40Dataset: Malta DTM (40m cell size)
malta_polygDataset: Malta polygon
MassachusettsDataset: Massachusetts state limit
modelvalidR function for binary Logistic Regression internal validation
monthlyWindR function to download month-averaged wind data (from Global...
moveCostR function for calculating accumulated cost of movement...
mwPlotR function for visually displaying Mann-Whitney test's...
NNaR function for Nearest Neighbor analysis of point patterns
outlierR function for univariate outliers detection
perm.t.testR function for permutation-based t-test
phasesDataset: Posterior Probabilities for the chronological...
plotJenksR function for plotting univariate classification using...
pointsDataset: location of fictional points
pointsCovarModelR function to model (and test) the dependence of a point...
pointsInPolygonsR function to test points-in-polygons relationship
pointsToPointsTessR function to test the relationship of a set of points with...
polygonsDataset: location of fictional polygons
popdensityDataset: Massachusetts population density
ppdPlotR function for plotting Posterior Probability Densities for...
prob.phases.relatR function to calculate the Posterior Probability for...
pumpsDataset: location of public water pumps in London (after Dr...
radioc_dataDataset: Posterior Probabilities for the Starting and Ending...
refNNaR function for refined Nearest Neighbor analysis of point...
resc.valR function to rescale the values of a datset between a...
rndpointsDataset: random points
robustBAplotR function to plot a robust version of the Bland-Altman plot
springsDataset: location of springs in Malta
StarbucksDataset: location of Starbucks in Massachusetts
thiessenpolygDataset: Thiessen polygons around the points represented in...
vislimR function for computing the limit of visibility of an object...
volcDataset: Digital Terrain Model representing the volcano...
volc.locDataset: location on the volcano Maunga Whau (Auckland, New...
windAverR function for averaging wind speed and direction
gianmarcoalberti/GmAMisc documentation built on May 3, 2019, 6:44 p.m.