title: Series of utility functions in R using formulas. author: Charles-Édouard Giguère date: 2019-04-01

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CUFF: Charles utility functions using formulas

  1. correlation: function to produce correlation matrix. The associated print method only prints the lower triangle of the matrix.

  2. cont.desc: function to describe continuous variables

  3. cross: crosstabs builder with an optional latex and excel output. See ftab also to print a table with frequencies and percentages in one table.

  4. descr: function to describe a mixture of continuous and categorical variables

  5. freq: frequencies of a vector or a data.frame.

  6. strutil: Series of string utility. For a more extensive set of functions use the stringi package.

  7. sum.n: sum weighted by the number of non missing values.

  8. meansd: mean and sd displayed in a string.

  9. cf: Extract formated coefficient.

  10. clip: put a matrix-like object into clipboard.

  11. ftab: add percentages to a table to get percentages and frequencies in the same output.

  12. meansd: function that combines mean and sd in the same output. To be used with xf.

  13. view: view matrix-like objects in a browser like in R-studio.

  14. xf: Function similar to xtabs but applied to a continuous variable. This function applies a function to a variable across levels of one or more categorical variable.

giguerch/CUFF documentation built on March 27, 2024, 5:36 p.m.