cas_reset_download_contents: Delete all files and database records for the contents pages...

View source: R/cas_reset.R

cas_reset_download_contentsR Documentation

Delete all files and database records for the contents pages of the current website


Delete all files and database records for the contents pages of the current website


  batch = NULL,
  file_format = "html",
  db_connection = NULL,
  db_folder = NULL,
  ask = TRUE,



Defaults to NULL. If given, only files and records related to the given batch are removed. If not given, all contents files are removed.


Defaults to NULL. If NULL, uses local SQLite database. If given, must be a connection object or a list with relevant connection settings (see example).


Logical, defaults to TRUE. If set to FALSE, the relevant table will be deleted without asking for confirmation from the user.


Passed to cas_get_db_file().

giocomai/castarter documentation built on Oct. 17, 2024, 7:25 a.m.