Man pages for giocomai/genderedstreetnames

create_bulkCreates html pages with maps and basic stats for multiple...
create_city_boundary_id_comboCreate a city/id combination for proper caching
download_OSMDownload OSM data for whole countries.
extract_placesExtract shape files of places from previously downloaded
extract_roadsExtract shape files of roads from previously downloaded
find_genderFind if a string refers to a person, and if so, finds gender...
fix_street_namesStarts a Shiny app that facilitates fixing categorisation
get_boundary_by_idGet boundary by id
get_city_boundariesGet city boundaries
mod_select_datasetmod_select_dataset_ui and mod_select_dataset_server
pipePipe operator
remove_first_wordFind if a string refers to a person, and if so, finds gender...
run_appRun the Shiny Application
subset_roadsKeep only roads within a given boundary.
giocomai/genderedstreetnames documentation built on June 21, 2020, 8:31 p.m.