tw_get_wikipedia_page_qid_single: Gets the Wikidata id of a Wikipedia page

View source: R/tw_get_wikipedia_page_qid.R

tw_get_wikipedia_page_qid_singleR Documentation

Gets the Wikidata id of a Wikipedia page


Gets the Wikidata id of a Wikipedia page


  title = NULL,
  url = NULL,
  language = tidywikidatar::tw_get_language(),
  cache = NULL,
  overwrite_cache = FALSE,
  cache_connection = NULL,
  disconnect_db = TRUE,
  wait = 1,
  attempts = 10



Title of a Wikipedia page or final parts of its url. If given, url can be left empty, but language must be provided.


Full URL to a Wikipedia page. If given, title and language can be left empty.


Two-letter language code used to define the Wikipedia version to use. Defaults to language set with tw_set_language(); if not set, "en". If url given, this can be left empty.


Defaults to NULL. If given, it should be given either TRUE or FALSE. Typically set with tw_enable_cache() or tw_disable_cache().


Logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, it overwrites the table in the local sqlite database. Useful if the original Wikidata object has been updated.


Defaults to NULL. If NULL, and caching is enabled, tidywikidatar will use a local sqlite database. A custom connection to other databases can be given (see vignette caching for details).


Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, leaves the connection to cache open.


In seconds, defaults to 1 due to time-outs with frequent queries. Time to wait between queries to the APIs. If data are cached locally, wait time is not applied. If you are running many queries systematically you may want to add some waiting time between queries.


Defaults to 10. Number of times it re-attempts to reach the API before failing.


A data frame (a tibble) with eight columns: title, wikipedia_title, wikipedia_id, qid, description, disambiguation, and language.


if (interactive()) {
  tw_get_wikipedia_page_qid_single(title = "Margaret Mead", language = "en")

giocomai/tidywikidatar documentation built on Aug. 2, 2024, 5:33 p.m.