update_reference: Update the 'reference' table using a trial table

View source: R/write_trial.R

update_referenceR Documentation

Update the reference table using a trial table



CAUTION: This function must be used only with packages that follow the SQLR system.

update_reference() updates the criteria_id, trial_id, and pdf columns of the reference table using the data available in a trial table.

You must have a sheets data object with the sheets metadata before running this function. See write_metadata() to learn more.


update_reference(trial_id, package = rutils:::get_package_name(), write = TRUE)



A string indicating the ID of the trial to be written.


(optional) a string indicating the package with the database data. If not assigned, the function will try to use the name of the active project directory (requires the rstudioapi package).


(optional) a logical value indicating if the function must update the reference data table of the package and to write the new reference table to the reference spreadsheet listed on the sqlr::sheets object (default: TRUE).

See Also

Other reference/citation functions: build_reference(), write_reference(), write_trial()


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gipsousp/sqlr documentation built on Sept. 29, 2023, 11:41 a.m.