subset.DTSg: Subset time series data

subset.DTSgR Documentation

Subset time series data


Filters rows and/or selects columns of a DTSg object.


## S3 method for class 'DTSg'
  cols = self$cols(),
  funby = NULL,
  ignoreDST = FALSE,
  na.status = "implicit",
  clone = getOption("DTSgClone"),
  multiplier = 1L,
  funbyHelpers = NULL,
  funbyApproach = self$funbyApproach,



A DTSg object (S3 method only).


An integerish vector indexing rows (positive numbers pick and negative numbers omit rows) or a filter expression accepted by the i argument of data.table::data.table. Filter expressions can contain the special symbol .N.


A character vector specifying the columns to select. Another possibility is a character string containing either comma separated column names, for example, "x,y,z", or the start and end column separated by a colon, for example, "x:z". The .dateTime column is always selected and cannot be part of it.


One of the temporal aggregation level functions described in TALFs or a user defined temporal aggregation level function. Can be used to, for instance, select the last two observations of a certain temporal level. See corresponding section and examples for further information.


A logical specifying if day saving time shall be ignored by funby. See corresponding section for further information.


A character string. Either "explicit", which makes missing timestamps explicit according to the recognised periodicity, or "implicit", which removes timestamps with missing values on all value columns. See corresponding section for further information.


A logical specifying if the object shall be modified in place or if a deep clone (copy) shall be made beforehand.


A positive integerish value “multiplying” the temporal aggregation level of certain TALFs. See corresponding section for further information.


An optional list with helper data passed on to funby. See corresponding section for further information.


A character string specifying the flavour of the applied temporal aggregation level function. Either "timechange", which utilises timechange::time_floor, or "base", which utilises as.POSIXct, or "fasttime", which utilises fasttime::fastPOSIXct, or "RcppCCTZ", which utilises RcppCCTZ::parseDatetime as the main function for transforming timestamps.


Further arguments passed on to fun.


Returns a DTSg object.

Status of missing values

Please note that filtering rows and having or making missing timestamps explicit equals to setting the values of all other timestamps to missing. The default value of na.status is therefore "implicit". To simply filter for a consecutive range of a DTSg object while leaving the na.status untouched, alter is probably the better choice.

User defined TALFs, TALFs helper data and multiplier

User defined temporal aggregation level functions have to return a POSIXct vector of the same length as the time series and accept two arguments: a POSIXct vector as its first and a list with helper data as its second. The default elements of this list are as follows:

  • timezone: Same as the timezone field.

  • ignoreDST: Same as the ignoreDST argument.

  • periodicity: Same as the periodicity field.

  • na.status: Same as the na.status field.

  • multiplier: Same as the multiplier argument.

  • funbyApproach: Same as the funbyApproach argument.

Any additional element specified in the funbyHelpers argument is appended to the end of the default list. In case funbyHelpers contains an ignoreDST, multiplier or funbyApproach element, it takes precedence over the respective method argument. timezone, periodicity and na.status elements are rejected, as they are always taken directly from the object.

The temporal aggregation level of certain TALFs can be adjusted with the help of the multiplier argument. A multiplier of 10, for example, makes byY_____ aggregate to decades instead of years. Another example is a multiplier of 6 provided to by_m____. The function then aggregates all months of all first and all months of all second half years instead of all months of all years separately. This feature is supported by the following TALFs of the package:

  • byY_____

  • byYm____

  • byYmdH__ (UTC and equivalent as well as all Etc/GMT time zones only)

  • byYmdHM_

  • byYmdHMS

  • by_m____

  • by___H__ (UTC and equivalent as well as all Etc/GMT time zones only)

  • by____M_

  • by_____S

Ignore day saving time

ignoreDST tells a temporal aggregation level function if it is supposed to ignore day saving time while transforming the timestamps. This can be a desired feature for time series strictly following the position of the sun such as hydrological time series. Doing so ensures that diurnal variations are preserved by all means and all intervals are of the “correct” length, however, a possible limitation might be that the day saving time shift is invariably assumed to be one hour long. This feature requires that the periodicity of the time series has been recognised and is supported by the following TALFs of the package:

  • byY_____

  • byYQ____

  • byYm____

  • byYmd___

  • by_Q____

  • by_m____

  • by___H__

See Also

cols, getOption


# new DTSg object
x <- DTSg$new(values = flow)

# filter for the first six observations
## R6 method
x$subset(i = 1:6)$print()

## S3 method
print(subset(x = x, i = 1:6))

# filter for the last two observations per year
## R6 method
  i = (.N - 1):.N,
  funby = function(x, ...) {data.table::year(x)}

## S3 method
  x = x,
  i = (.N - 1):.N,
  funby = function(x, ...) {data.table::year(x)}

gisler/DTSg documentation built on Jan. 27, 2025, 6:12 a.m.