
First we load packages and data (has been preproced with pagoda2 and graph builth with conos)

con_object <- readRDS(file.path('/home/larsc/data/10x_preproced_graphed.rds'))
annot <- readRDS(file.path('/home/demharters/R/projects/UPF9_14_17_19_22_23_24_32_33/metadata_10x_final.rds'))

rowbind the adjusted expression values

rbound_panel <- RbindPanel(con_object)

Are the cell names in the same order?

identical(rownames(rbound_panel), rownames(annot)) # thank god, maybe add a sort for the future in Panelize

plot joint graph


set cell annotation factor thingy

annot <- annot %>% mutate(cellids = rownames(annot)) # turn rownames into a col for convenience
annot <- annot %>% mutate(subtype_condition = paste(annot$subtype, annot$condition, sep='_'))
cellannot=setNames(annot[,5], annot[,4])
od_genes = conos:::getOdGenesUniformly(con_object$samples, 100)
# split annot in categories (disease, healthy)
state_split <- split(annot, annot$condition, drop=TRUE)
# get probability distributions for subtype/sample categories
all_probs <- ObtainProbabilities(state_split, rbound_panel, 1, 2, 4, od_genes, pseudo.count=10^(-8))
# now get JS distances
all_distances <- Map(CalculateAllJSD, all_probs$healthy, all_probs$epilepsy)
#all_dists_dfd <- all_distances %>% lapply(function(x){data.frame(comparison=names(x), value=x, row.names=NULL)})
# use stackexchange magic to pad NAs to shorter distance vectors, and also tibbling
all_dists <- lapply(all_distances, `length<-`, max(lengths(all_distances))) %>% as_tibble
all_dists <- all_dists %>% mutate(comparison=names(all_distances$Id2_Reln))
# gather into format for easy ggplot
all_dists_gathered <- gather(all_dists, key=subtype, value=js_distance, -comparison)
# plot
ggplot(all_dists_gathered, aes(y=js_distance, x=subtype)) + geom_violin()+geom_point(aes(col=comparison), alpha = 0.6, size=1.8) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 1))
disannot<-setNames(annot[,3], annot[,4])
subannot<-setNames(annot[,2], annot[,4])
con_object$plotGraph(groups=subannot, alpha=0.1, font.size=3)
con_object$plotGraph(groups=disannot, alpha=0.1)

let's see overall JS dist.

od_genes = conos:::getOdGenesUniformly(con_object$samples, 100)
state_split <- split(annot, annot$condition, drop=TRUE)
subtype_split <- state_split %>% lapply(function(x){split(x, x$subtype, drop=TRUE)})
healthy_probs <- subtype_split$healthy %>% GetSampProbs(rbound_panel, od_genes, cellid.col = 4, pseudo.count=10^(-10))
epilepsy_probs <- subtype_split$epilepsy %>% GetSampProbs(rbound_panel, od_genes, cellid.col = 4, pseudo.count=10^(-10))

all_dists <- Map(JensenShannon, healthy_probs, epilepsy_probs) %>% as_tibble
all_dists_gathered <- gather(all_dists, key=subtype, value=js_distance)
ggplot(all_dists_gathered, aes(y=js_distance, x=subtype)) +geom_bar(stat='identity') +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 1))
od_genes = conos:::getOdGenesUniformly(con_object$samples, 1000)
state_split <- split(annot, annot$condition, drop=TRUE)
subtype_split <- state_split %>% lapply(function(x){split(x, x$subtype, drop=TRUE)})
healthy_probs <- subtype_split$healthy %>% GetSampProbs(rbound_panel, od_genes, cellid.col = 4, pseudo.count=10^(-10))
epilepsy_probs <- subtype_split$epilepsy %>% GetSampProbs(rbound_panel, od_genes, cellid.col = 4, pseudo.count=10^(-10))

all_dists <- Map(JensenShannon, healthy_probs, epilepsy_probs) %>% as_tibble
all_dists_gathered <- gather(all_dists, key=subtype, value=js_distance)
ggplot(all_dists_gathered, aes(y=js_distance, x=subtype)) +geom_bar(stat='identity') +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 1))
od_genes = conos:::getOdGenesUniformly(con_object$samples, 10000)
state_split <- split(annot, annot$condition, drop=TRUE)
subtype_split <- state_split %>% lapply(function(x){split(x, x$subtype, drop=TRUE)})
healthy_probs <- subtype_split$healthy %>% GetSampProbs(rbound_panel, od_genes, cellid.col = 4, pseudo.count=10^(-10))
epilepsy_probs <- subtype_split$epilepsy %>% GetSampProbs(rbound_panel, od_genes, cellid.col = 4, pseudo.count=10^(-10))

all_dists <- Map(JensenShannon, healthy_probs, epilepsy_probs) %>% as_tibble
all_dists_gathered <- gather(all_dists, key=subtype, value=js_distance)
ggplot(all_dists_gathered, aes(y=js_distance, x=subtype)) +geom_bar(stat='identity') +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 1))

load my de genes & get some genes, equal numbers for each subtype

de_genez <- readRDS(file.path('/home/larsc/data/eps_10x_de_celltype.rds'))

GetTopGenes <- function(de.result, nr, value='gene.names', filter.mito=TRUE){
  res.df <- de.result$res
  res.df <- res.df %>% dplyr::mutate(gene.names = rownames(res.df))
  if (filter.mito){
    res.df <- dplyr::filter(res.df, !stringr::str_detect(gene.names, "^MT-"))
  res.sorted <- res.df %>% arrange(padj)

top_genez <- de_genez %>% lapply(GetTopGenes, 100, filter.mito=FALSE)

100 top de genes for each subtype individually

ObtainDistributions <- function(sub.annot, some.genes, rbound.panel, cellid.col, nr.cell, pseudo.count){
    return(SelectCellProbs(sub.annot, rbound.panel, cellid.col, nr.cell, some.genes, pseudo.count))
  } # just to rearrange the inputs for mapply

IndividualCellProbsList <- function(annotation, rbound.panel, cellid.col, sub.col, nr.cell, genes.list, pseudo.count=0){
  sub.split <- split(annotation, annotation[, sub.col], drop=T)
  cell.distributions <- mapply(ObtainDistributions, sub.split, genes.list, MoreArgs=list(rbound.panel, cellid.col, nr.cell, pseudo.count), SIMPLIFY=F)
ProbsToJSD <- function(state.split, rbound.panel, cellid.col, sub.col, nr.cell, genes.list, pseudo.count){
  list.of.lists <- state.split %>% lapply(IndividualCellProbsList, rbound.panel, cellid.col, sub.col, 
                                          nr.cell, genes.list, pseudo.count) <- Map(CalculateAllJSD, list.of.lists$healthy, list.of.lists$epilepsy)
  return( %>% as_tibble)
} # specific for this data but saves some lines

# equal numbers
all_sc_dists_de <- ProbsToJSD(state_split, rbound_panel, 4, 2, 100, top_genez, 10^(-8))
all_scd_de_gathered <- gather(all_sc_dists_de, key=subtype, value=JSD)
ggplot(all_scd_de_gathered, aes(y=JSD, x=subtype)) + geom_boxplot(alpha=0.5)+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 1))#+geom_jitter(aes(col=subtype), alpha = 0.05, size=0.5)

Sam's genes, not equal number of genes

de_genes <- readRDS("/d0-mendel/home/demharters/R/projects/UPF9_14_17_19_22_23_24_32_33/de_multilevel_genes.rds")

#names(de_genez)==names(de_genes) # just checking
CheckOverlap <- function(x,y){ # is it completely off or wut
  return(sum(x %in% y)/100)
check_overlap <- Map(CheckOverlap, top_genez, de_genes) # low for pvalb nos since it only has 16
all_sc_dists_de_sam <- ProbsToJSD(state_split, rbound_panel, 4, 2, 100, de_genes, 10^(-8))
all_scd_de_gathered_sam <- gather(all_sc_dists_de_sam, key=subtype, value=JSD)
ggplot(all_scd_de_gathered_sam, aes(y=JSD, x=subtype)) + geom_boxplot(alpha=0.5)+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 1))#+geom_jitter(aes(col=subtype), alpha = 0.05, size=0.5)

Constant number of OD genes, constant number of cells.

od_genes = conos:::getOdGenesUniformly(con_object$samples, 100)
healthcellprobs <- IndividualCellProbs(state_split$healthy, rbound_panel, 4, 2, 100, od_genes, 10^(-8))
epscellprobs <- IndividualCellProbs(state_split$epilepsy, rbound_panel, 4, 2, 100, od_genes, 10^(-8))
all_singlecell_dists <- Map(CalculateAllJSD, healthcellprobs, epscellprobs)
all_sc_dists <- all_singlecell_dists %>% as_tibble
all_scd_gathered <- gather(all_sc_dists, key=subtype, value=jsd)
ggplot(all_scd_gathered, aes(y=jsd, x=subtype)) + geom_boxplot(alpha=0.5)+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 1)) #+geom_jitter(aes(col=subtype), alpha = 0.05, size=0.5)

200 cells, 100 od genes

od_genes = conos:::getOdGenesUniformly(con_object$samples, 100)
healthcellprobs <- IndividualCellProbs(state_split$healthy, rbound_panel, 4, 2, 200, od_genes, 10^(-8))
epscellprobs <- IndividualCellProbs(state_split$epilepsy, rbound_panel, 4, 2, 200, od_genes, 10^(-8))
all_singlecell_dists <- Map(CalculateAllJSD, healthcellprobs, epscellprobs)
all_sc_dists <- all_singlecell_dists %>% as_tibble
all_scd_gathered <- gather(all_sc_dists, key=subtype, value=jsd)
ggplot(all_scd_gathered, aes(y=jsd, x=subtype)) + geom_boxplot(alpha=0.5)+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 1)) #+geom_jitter(aes(col=subtype), alpha = 0.05, size=0.5)

200 cells, 1000 od genes

od_genes = conos:::getOdGenesUniformly(con_object$samples, 1000)
healthcellprobs <- IndividualCellProbs(state_split$healthy, rbound_panel, 4, 2, 200, od_genes, 10^(-8))
epscellprobs <- IndividualCellProbs(state_split$epilepsy, rbound_panel, 4, 2, 200, od_genes, 10^(-8))
all_singlecell_dists <- Map(CalculateAllJSD, healthcellprobs, epscellprobs)
all_sc_dists <- all_singlecell_dists %>% as_tibble
all_scd_gathered <- gather(all_sc_dists, key=subtype, value=jsd)
ggplot(all_scd_gathered, aes(y=jsd, x=subtype)) + geom_boxplot(alpha=0.5)+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 1)) #+geom_jitter(aes(col=subtype), alpha = 0.05, size=0.5)

30 cells, 100 od genes

od_genes = conos:::getOdGenesUniformly(con_object$samples, 100)
healthcellprobs <- IndividualCellProbs(state_split$healthy, rbound_panel, 4, 2, 30, od_genes, 10^(-8))
epscellprobs <- IndividualCellProbs(state_split$epilepsy, rbound_panel, 4, 2, 30, od_genes, 10^(-8))
all_singlecell_dists <- Map(CalculateAllJSD, healthcellprobs, epscellprobs)
all_sc_dists <- all_singlecell_dists %>% as_tibble
all_scd_gathered <- gather(all_sc_dists, key=subtype, value=jsd)
ggplot(all_scd_gathered, aes(y=jsd, x=subtype)) + geom_boxplot(alpha=0.5)+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 1)) #+geom_jitter(aes(col=subtype), alpha = 0.05, size=0.5)

30 cells, 1000 od genes

od_genes = conos:::getOdGenesUniformly(con_object$samples, 1000)
healthcellprobs <- IndividualCellProbs(state_split$healthy, rbound_panel, 4, 2, 30, od_genes, 10^(-8))
epscellprobs <- IndividualCellProbs(state_split$epilepsy, rbound_panel, 4, 2, 30, od_genes, 10^(-8))
all_singlecell_dists <- Map(CalculateAllJSD, healthcellprobs, epscellprobs)
all_sc_dists <- all_singlecell_dists %>% as_tibble
all_scd_gathered <- gather(all_sc_dists, key=subtype, value=jsd)
ggplot(all_scd_gathered, aes(y=jsd, x=subtype)) + geom_boxplot(alpha=0.5)+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 1)) #+geom_jitter(aes(col=subtype), alpha = 0.05, size=0.5)

Instead of OD genes, union of most DE genes

top_genes_union <- top_genez %>% unlist %>% unique
healthcellprobs <- IndividualCellProbs(state_split$healthy, rbound_panel, 4, 2, 100, top_genes_union, 10^(-8))
epscellprobs <- IndividualCellProbs(state_split$epilepsy, rbound_panel, 4, 2, 100, top_genes_union, 10^(-8))
all_singlecell_dists <- Map(CalculateAllJSD, healthcellprobs, epscellprobs)
all_sc_dists <- all_singlecell_dists %>% as_tibble
all_scd_gathered <- gather(all_sc_dists, key=subtype, value=jsd)
ggplot(all_scd_gathered, aes(y=jsd, x=subtype)) + geom_boxplot()+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 1))

Now Aggregation of cells, each with their own top 100

IndividualCellProbsAgg <- function(annotation, rbound.panel, cellid.col, sub.col, nr.cell, genes.list, pseudo.count=0){
  sub.split <- split(annotation, annotation[, sub.col], drop=T)
  cell.distributions <- mapply(SelectCellProbsAggregated, sub.split, genes.list, MoreArgs=list(rbound.panel, cellid.col, nr.cell, pseudo.count), SIMPLIFY=F)
sub_probs_agg <- state_split %>% lapply(IndividualCellProbsAgg, rbound_panel, 4, 2, 100, top_genez, 10^(-8))
jsd_agg <- Map(JensenShannon, sub_probs_agg$healthy, sub_probs_agg$epilepsy) %>% as_tibble
jsd_agg_gathered <- gather(jsd_agg, key=subtype, value=js_distance_cell_agg)
ggplot(jsd_agg_gathered, aes(y=js_distance_cell_agg, x=subtype)) +geom_bar(stat='identity') +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 1))

githubz0r/fuck documentation built on May 15, 2019, 10:39 p.m.