  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.width=7, fig.height=4,

Example 1

We consider a ladder of the following form: $$ \pi(p) = \frac{1}{p^a+(1-p)^a} ((1-p)^a, p^a) $$ for different values of $a$. Notice that the denominator has a minimum in $p = 1/2$ resulting in $C(1/2) = 2^{1-a}$. We then expect Acceptance-Rejection to perform poorly as $a$ increases and $p \approx 1/2$.

We compare three methods:

  1. Acceptance-Rejection: we use the theoretical value of the expecte number of tosses;

  2. Naive CFTP: the proposed method targeting directly the $\pi(p)$ defined above. We run it 1,000 times;

  3. Optimised CFTP: we first get an estimate of the true $p$ by tossing the $p$-coin 1,000 times and computing the sample average. We then increase the degree of the ladder using the theoretical bound on the expected number of tosses computed using such estimate of $p$. We then run CFTP 1,000 times on this augmented ladder.

p_seq <- c(0.01,0.1,0.25,0.5) #Sequence of true values of p
a_seq <- 1:10 #Sequence of a
size_sample_CFTP <- 1000 #Size sample CFTP
size_sample_est_p <- 1000 #Size tosses to get an estimate of p
num_cores <- 2 #Number of cores used
initial_seed <- 17 #Seed for RNG <- function() {
  set.seed(initial_seed, "L'Ecuyer-CMRG") 
  data_out <- vector("list", length = length(a_seq))
  counter <- 1
  for(a in a_seq) {
    cat("Started a = ",a,"\n")
    if(file.exists(paste0("efficiency_a_",a,".rds"))) {
      #Recover previous work
      cat("Recover previous work for a = ",a,"\n")
      work_prev <- readRDS(paste0("efficiency_a_",a,".rds"))
      data_out[[counter]] <- work_prev$data_out
      counter <- counter+ 1
      seed <- work_prev$seed
      set.seed(seed, "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")  #Restore random seed
    } else {
      #Construct the ladder
      cat("Constructing the ladder\n")
      de <- DiceEnterprise$new(G=list(
      #Get expected value for A-R
      cat("Get expected tosses of AR\n")
      exp_tosses_AR <- sapply(p_seq, function(p) {
        C_p = p^a+(1-p)^a
        Q <- 1
      cat("Get empirical expected tosses of naive CFTP\n")
      #Get value for naive CFTP
      tosses_CFTP <- lapply(p_seq, function(p) {
        return(de$sample(n=size_sample_CFTP, true_p = c(p,1-p), num_cores = num_cores, verbose = TRUE)[[2]])
      cat("Get empirical expected tosses of augmented CFTP\n")
      #Get an estimate of p
      p_est_seq <- sapply(p_seq, function(p) {
        mean(sample(c(1,0), prob = c(p,1-p), size = size_sample_est_p, replace = TRUE))
      #Get a value for augmented CFTP
      tosses_augmented_CFTP <- lapply(1:length(p_est_seq), function(i){
        p_est <- p_est_seq[i]
        p <- p_seq[i]
        #Construct augmented ladder
        new_de <- de$impose.efficiency(method="bound",true_p = c(p_est,1-p_est))
        saveRDS(list(new_de=new_de,a=a,p_est=p_est,p=p), file = paste0("augmented_de_a_",a,"_pest_",p_est,".rds"))
        return(new_de$sample(n=size_sample_CFTP, true_p = c(p,1-p), num_cores = num_cores, verbose = TRUE)[[2]])

      #Prepare output
      data_out[[counter]] <- list(a = a,
                                p_seq = p_seq,
                                tosses_CFTP = tosses_CFTP,
                                exp_tosses_AR = exp_tosses_AR,
                                tosses_augmented_CFTP = tosses_augmented_CFTP) 
      #Generate new random seed
      seed <- ceiling(runif(1)*1e8)
      set.seed(seed, "L'Ecuyer-CMRG") 

      #Save to outer file
      cat("Saving result for a = ",a,"\n")
      saveRDS(list(data_out=data_out[[counter]],seed=seed), file = paste0("efficiency_a_",a,".rds"))
      counter <- counter + 1
} <- function(data_out) {
  #Prepare output
  tot_rows <- length(a_seq)*length(p_seq)*3
  res <- data.frame(p=rep(NA,tot_rows),
  counter <- 1
  for(i in 1:length(data_out)) {
    a <- data_out[[i]]$a
    p_seq_saved <- data_out[[i]]$p_seq
    exp_tosses_AR <- data_out[[i]]$exp_tosses_AR
    exp_tosses_CFTP <- sapply( data_out[[i]]$tosses_CFTP, mean)
    max_exp_tosses_CFTP <- sapply( data_out[[i]]$tosses_CFTP, max)
    min_exp_tosses_CFTP <- sapply( data_out[[i]]$tosses_CFTP, min)
    exp_tosses_augmented_CFTP <- sapply( data_out[[i]]$tosses_augmented_CFTP, mean)
    max_exp_tosses_augmented_CFTP <- sapply( data_out[[i]]$tosses_augmented_CFTP, max)
    min_exp_tosses_augmented_CFTP <- sapply( data_out[[i]]$tosses_augmented_CFTP, min)

    #Sanity check
    if(!(a %in% a_seq)) {
      stop("There's a conflict between the setup and saved results (a is not in a_seq).")
    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(p_seq_saved,p_seq))) {
      stop("There's a conflict between the setup and saved results (saved p_seq is not equal to p_seq).")
    #Save to data frame
    for(k in 1:length(exp_tosses_CFTP)) {
      res[counter,] <- c(p_seq_saved[k],a,exp_tosses_CFTP[k],max_exp_tosses_CFTP[k],min_exp_tosses_CFTP[k],1)
      res[counter+1,] <- c(p_seq_saved[k],a,exp_tosses_augmented_CFTP[k],max_exp_tosses_augmented_CFTP[k],min_exp_tosses_augmented_CFTP[k],2)
      res[counter+2,] <- c(p_seq_saved[k],a,exp_tosses_AR[k],exp_tosses_AR[k],exp_tosses_AR[k],3)
      counter <- counter + 3
  res$method <- as.factor(res$method)
  res$method <- revalue(res$method, c("1" = "NaiveCFTP", "2" = "OptCFTP" , "3" = "AR"))

data_out <-
res <-

ggplot(data = res[which(res$p == 0.01),], aes(x = factor(a), y = meanTosses, colour = factor(method))) + ggtitle("True p: 0.01") +
  geom_line(aes(group = factor(method))) + geom_point()
ggplot(data = res[which(res$p == 0.1),], aes(x = factor(a), y = meanTosses, colour = factor(method))) + ggtitle("True p: 0.1") +
  geom_line(aes(group = factor(method))) + geom_point()
ggplot(data = res[which(res$p == 0.25),], aes(x = factor(a), y = meanTosses, colour = factor(method))) + ggtitle("True p: 0.25") +
  geom_line(aes(group = factor(method))) + geom_point()
ggplot(data = res[which(res$p == 0.5),], aes(x = factor(a), y = meanTosses, colour = factor(method))) + ggtitle("True p: 0.5") +
  geom_line(aes(group = factor(method))) +  geom_point()
  #geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = minMeanTosses, ymax = maxMeanTosses, fill = factor(method)), alpha = 0.2, color = NA)
# for(a in a_seq) {
#   cat("Started a = ",a,"\n")
#   if(file.exists(paste0("efficiency_a_",a,".rds"))) {
#     #Recover previous work
#     cat("Recover previous work for a = ",a,"\n")
#     work_prev <- readRDS(paste0("efficiency_a_",a,".rds"))
#     res_prev <- work_prev$res
#     seed <- work_prev$seed
#     res[counter:(counter+nrow(res_prev)-1),] <- res_prev
#     counter <- counter + nrow(res_prev)
#     .Random.seed <- seed #Restore random seed
#   } else {
#     #Construct the ladder
#     cat("Constructing the ladder\n")
#     de <- DiceEnterprise$new(G=list(
#       list(1,matrix(c(a,0),nrow=1,ncol=2)),
#       list(1,matrix(c(0,a),nrow=1,ncol=2))
#     ))
#     #Get expected value for A-R
#     cat("Get expected tosses of AR\n")
#     exp_tosses_AR <- sapply(p_seq, function(p) {
#       C_p = p^a+(1-p)^a
#       Q <- 1
#       return(Q*a/C_p)
#     })
#     cat("Get empirical expected tosses of naive CFTP\n")
#     #Get value for naive CFTP
#     tosses_CFTP <- lapply(p_seq, function(p) {
#       return(de$sample(n=size_sample_CFTP, true_p = c(p,1-p), num_cores = num_cores, verbose = TRUE)[[2]])
#     })
#     exp_tosses_CFTP <- sapply(tosses_CFTP, mean)
#     cat("Get empirical expected tosses of augmented CFTP\n")
#     #Get an estimate of p
#     p_est_seq <- sapply(p_seq, function(p) {
#       mean(sample(c(1,0), prob = c(p,1-p), size = size_sample_est_p, replace = TRUE))
#     })
#     #Get a value for augmented CFTP
#     tosses_augmented_CFTP <- sapply(1:length(p_est_seq), function(i){
#       p_est <- p_est_seq[i]
#       p <- p_seq[i]
#       #Construct augmented ladder
#       new_de <- de$impose.efficiency(method="bound",true_p = c(p_est,1-p_est))
#       return(new_de$sample(n=size_sample_CFTP, true_p = c(p,1-p), num_cores = num_cores, verbose = TRUE)[[2]])
#     })
#     exp_tosses_augmented_CFTP <- sapply(tosses_augmented_CFTP, mean)
#     #Save in dataframe
#     initial_counter <- counter
#     for(i in 1:length(exp_tosses_CFTP)) {
#       res[counter,] <- c(p_seq[i],a,exp_tosses_CFTP[i],1)
#       res[counter+1,] <- c(p_seq[i],a,exp_tosses_augmented_CFTP[i],2)
#       res[counter+2,] <- c(p_seq[i],a,exp_tosses_AR[i],3)
#       counter <- counter + 3
#     }
#     #Save to outer file
#     cat("Saving result for a = ",a,"\n")
#     res_temp <- res[initial_counter:(counter-1),]
#     saveRDS(list(res=res_temp,seed=.Random.seed), file = paste0("efficiency_a_",a,".rds"))
#   }
# }
# res$method <- as.factor(res$method)
# res$method <- revalue(res$method, c("1" = "NaiveCFTP", "2" = "OptCFTP" , "3" = "AR"))

giuliomorina/DiceEnterprise documentation built on May 15, 2019, 12:59 p.m.