knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.width=7, fig.height=4, cache=TRUE ) require("DiceEnterprise") require("pander") require("ggplot2") require("xtable") set.seed(10,"L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
$$ f(p) = \frac{\sqrt{2}p^3}{(\sqrt{2}-5)p^3+11p^2-9p+3} $$
sample_size <- 1000 #Number of tosses probs_vec <- c(0.01,0.1,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.9,0.99) #Vector of true probabilities of the p-coin num_cores <- 2 #Number of cores used (parallel computing is not supported on Windows) conf_level <- 0.95 #Confidence interval level
toss.coin <- function(n, p) { sample(1:2, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = c(p,1-p)) } bf <- BernoulliFactory$new(f_1 = list(coeff = c(sqrt(2)), power = c(3)), f_2 = list(coeff = c(-5,11,-9,3), power = c(3,2,1,0))) bf.res <- function(toss.coin, bf) { bf_res <- matrix(NA, nrow = 6, ncol = length(probs_vec)) rownames(bf_res) <- c("f(p)", "LowerCI", "Emp.f(p)", "UppCI", "Exp.TossesNoDoubling", "Exp.TossesDoubling") colnames(bf_res) <- as.character(probs_vec) for(i in 1:length(probs_vec)) { sample_res <- bf$sample(n = sample_size, = toss.coin, p = probs_vec[i], num_cores = num_cores, verbose = TRUE, double_time = FALSE) sample_res_double_time <- bf$sample(n = sample_size, = toss.coin, p = probs_vec[i], num_cores = num_cores, verbose = TRUE, double_time = TRUE) #Get lower and upper CI if(isTRUE(all.equal(sample_res[[1]],rep(1,sample_size)))) { #All equal to 1 (Heads) lower_ci <- 1 upper_ci <- 1 } else if(isTRUE(all.equal(sample_res[[1]],rep(2,sample_size)))) { #All equal to 2 (Tails) lower_ci <- 0 upper_ci <- 0 } else { ci <- MultinomCI(table(sample_res[[1]]),conf.level = conf_level) lower_ci <- ci[1,2] upper_ci <- ci[1,3] } bf_res[1,i] <- round(bf$evaluate(p = probs_vec[i])[1],2) bf_res[2,i] <- round(lower_ci,2) bf_res[3,i] <- round(1-mean(sample_res[[1]]-1),2) bf_res[4,i] <- round(upper_ci,2) bf_res[5,i] <- round(mean(sample_res[[2]]),2) bf_res[6,i] <- round(mean(sample_res_double_time[[2]]),2) } return(bf_res) } bf_res <- bf.res(toss.coin,bf) pandoc.table(bf_res)
xtable(bf_res, align = c("l|",rep("c",ncol(bf_res))))
We consider the ladder $$ \pi(p) \propto ((1-p)^4,1000p(1-p)^3,p^2(1-p)^2,500p^3(1-p),p^4) $$ and show that increasing the degree of the ladder leads to better performance in terms of the expected number of tosses of the $p$-coin.
R <- c(1,1000,1,500,1) max_increase_degree <- 2 #How much the degree of the original ladder is increased by original_ladder <- DiceEnterprise$new(list( list(R[1], "04"), list(R[2], "13"), list(R[3], "22"), list(R[4], "31"), list(R[5], "40") )) #Sample and get the empirical number of tosses required bf.res.eff <- function(toss.coin, original_ladder,max_increase_degree) { #Prepare increased degree ladders increased_ladders <- vector("list", length= max_increase_degree) for(i in 1:max_increase_degree) { increased_ladders[[i]] <- original_ladder$ } #Prepare output bf_res <- matrix(NA, nrow = max_increase_degree+1, ncol = length(probs_vec)+1) rownames(bf_res) <- paste0("+",0:max_increase_degree) colnames(bf_res) <- c(as.character(probs_vec),"Eff.Condition") #The last column is true if the efficiency condition is met tot_rows <- length(probs_vec)*(max_increase_degree+1) df_res <- data.frame(p=rep(NA,tot_rows), degree = rep(NA, tot_rows), empirical_tosses = rep(NA, tot_rows)) counter <- 1 #Compute for(i in 1:length(probs_vec)) { #Check if the result already exists bf_res[1,i] <- mean(original_ladder$sample(n=sample_size, = toss.coin, p = probs_vec[i], num_cores = num_cores, verbose = TRUE, double_time = FALSE)$exp_rolls) bf_res[1,ncol(bf_res)] <- as.numeric(original_ladder$get.efficiency.condition()) df_res[counter,] <- c(probs_vec[i],0,bf_res[1,i]) counter <- counter + 1 for(deg in 1:max_increase_degree) { bf_res[deg+1,i] <- mean(increased_ladders[[deg]]$sample(n=sample_size, = toss.coin, p = probs_vec[i], num_cores = num_cores, verbose = TRUE, double_time = FALSE)$exp_rolls) bf_res[deg+1,ncol(bf_res)] <- as.numeric(increased_ladders[[deg]]$get.efficiency.condition()) df_res[counter,] <- c(probs_vec[i],deg,bf_res[deg+1,i]) counter <- counter + 1 } } return(list(bf_res,df_res)) } if(!file.exists(paste0("saved_data/efficiency_mono_cftp_example_n_",sample_size,".rds"))) { aux <- bf.res.eff(toss.coin,original_ladder,max_increase_degree) #Save the result saveRDS(list(aux=aux),file=paste0("saved_data/efficiency_mono_cftp_example_n_",sample_size,".rds")) } else { aux <- readRDS(paste0("saved_data/efficiency_mono_cftp_example_n_",sample_size,".rds"))$aux } bf_res <- aux[[1]] print(bf_res) pandoc.table(bf_res)
$$ \pi(p_1,p_2,p_3) \propto \left(\sqrt{2}p_1^3,p_1^2p_3,\frac{1}{4}p_1p_2^2,2p_1p_2p_3,\frac{1}{2}p_1p_3^2,\frac{3}{4}p_2^2p_3\right) $$
sample_size <- 1000 #Number of rolls probs_mat <- matrix(c(1/5,1/4,11/20, 1/10,4/10,5/10), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) #Matrix of true probabilities of the die num_cores <- 4 #Number of cores used (parallel computing is not supported on Windows) conf_level <- 0.95 #Confidence interval level
roll_die <- function(n, probs_die) { sample(1:3, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = probs_die) } de <- DiceEnterprise$new(G=list( list(sqrt(2),"300"), list(1,"201"), list(1/4,"120"), list(2,"111"), list(1/2,"102"), list(3/4,"021") )) de_res <- matrix(NA, nrow = 6, ncol = nrow(probs_mat)) rownames(de_res) <- c("f(p)", "LowerCI", "Emp.f(p)", "UppCI", "Exp.RollsNoDoubling", "Exp.RollsDoubling") colnames(de_res) <- apply(probs_mat, 1, function(x) { paste0("(",paste0(x, collapse = ", "),")")} ) for(i in 1:nrow(probs_mat)) { de_sample_double_time <- de$sample(n=sample_size, = roll_die, double_time = TRUE, num_cores = num_cores, verbose = TRUE, probs_die = probs_mat[i,]) de_sample <- de$sample(n=sample_size, = roll_die, double_time = FALSE, num_cores = num_cores, verbose = TRUE, probs_die = probs_mat[i,]) if(length(unique(de_sample[[1]])) > 1) { #There are more outcomes ci <- MultinomCI(table(de_sample[[1]]),conf.level = conf_level) ci_aux <- matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = 6) #6 possible outcomes of the die for(j in 1:nrow(ci)) { ci_aux[1,as.integer(rownames(ci)[j])] <- ci[j,2] ci_aux[2,as.integer(rownames(ci)[j])] <- ci[j,3] } de_res[2,i] <- paste0("(",paste0(round(ci_aux[1,],2), collapse = ", "),")") #Lower confidence interval de_res[4,i] <- paste0("(",paste0(round(ci_aux[2,],2), collapse = ", "),")") #Uppter confidence interval } de_res[1,i] <- paste0("(",paste0(round(de$evaluate(p = probs_mat[i,]),2), collapse = ", "),")") de_res[3,i] <- paste0("(",paste0(round(table(de_sample[[1]])/sample_size,2), collapse = ", "),")") de_res[5,i] <- round(mean(de_sample[[2]]),2) de_res[6,i] <- round(mean(de_sample_double_time[[2]]),2) } pandoc.table(de_res,split.tables=Inf)
We consider a ladder of the following form, where the true (unknown) $p$ is $1/2$: $$ \pi(p) \propto {p^{2a},p^a(1-p)^a,(1-p)^{2a}} $$ A naive approach similar to the 2-coin algorithm would be with probability $1/3$, toss a $p$-coin $2a$ times and output $1$ if all heads; with prob. $1/3$ toss a $p$-coin $2a$ times and output $1$ if the first $a$ are heads and the last $a$ tosses are tails; with prob. $1/3$ toss a $p$-coin $2a$ times and output $1$ if all tails. This would require on average $\mathbb{E}_{p=1/2}[N] = 2^{2a}$.
rm(list=ls()) require("DiceEnterprise") p <- 1/2 #True value of p a <- 10 #Exponent n <- 1000 #Size sample CFTP num_cores <- 4 #Number of cores used initial_seed <- 17 #Seed for RNG increase_degree <- 260 #How much the degree is increased de_list <- vector("list", length = increase_degree+1) #Store all the de objects set.seed(initial_seed, "L'Ecuyer-CMRG") #Construct the ladder cat("Constructing the dice enterprise \n") de <- DiceEnterprise$new(G=list( list(1,matrix(c(2*a,0),nrow=1,ncol=2)), list(1,matrix(c(a,a),nrow=1,ncol=2)), list(1,matrix(c(0,2*a),nrow=1,ncol=2)) )) de_list[[1]] <- de cat("Constructing the augmented dice enterprises \n") for(i in 1:increase_degree) { #Check if it already exists if(file.exists(paste0("efficiency_uni_data/ladder_a_",a,"_degree_",i,".rds"))) { cat("Restoring previous work for degree +",i," \n") prev_work <- readRDS(paste0("efficiency_uni_data/ladder_a_",a,"_degree_",i,".rds")) de_list[[i+1]] <- prev_work$de_aug } else { stop("WHAT?!") cat("Constructing the augmented dice enterprises for +",i," \n") if(i == 1) { de_list[[i+1]] <- de$ } else { de_list[[i+1]] <- de_list[[i-1]]$ } #Save object saveRDS(list(de_aug=de_list[[i+1]],i=i), file = paste0("efficiency_uni_data/ladder_a_",a,"_degree_",i,".rds")) } } #For each ladder get empirical number of tosses and bound cat("Computing empirical number of tosses and bound \n") emp_tosses <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = increase_degree+1) emp_res <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = increase_degree+1) colnames(emp_tosses) <- paste0("+",0:increase_degree) colnames(emp_res) <- paste0("+",0:increase_degree) for(i in 0:increase_degree) { #Check if it already exists if(file.exists(paste0("efficiency_uni_data/n_",n,"_a_",a,"_degree_",i,".rds"))) { cat("Restoring previous work for degree +",i," \n") prev_work <- readRDS(paste0("efficiency_uni_data/n_",n,"_a_",a,"_degree_",i,".rds")) emp_tosses[,i+1] <- prev_work$emp_tosses emp_res[,i+1] <- prev_work$emp_res } else { cat("Getting empirical tosses for +",i," \n") aux <- de_list[[i+1]]$sample(n=n, true_p = c(p,1-p), num_cores = num_cores, verbose = TRUE) emp_tosses[,i+1] <- aux[[2]] emp_res[,i+1] <- aux[[1]] #Save object saveRDS(list(emp_tosses=aux[[2]],emp_res=aux[[1]]), file = paste0("efficiency_uni_data/n_",n,"_a_",a,"_degree_",i,".rds")) } }
#Prepare output res_output <- matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = increase_degree+1) colnames(res_output) <- paste0("+",0:increase_degree) rownames(res_output) <- c("Exp.Tosses","Efficiency.Condition") res_output[1,] <- apply(emp_tosses,2,mean) res_output[2,] <- sapply(de_list, function(x) {x$get.efficiency.condition()}) print(res_output)
We consider a ladder of the following form, where the true (unknown) $\boldsymbol{p}=(p_1,p_2,p_3)$ is $(1/3,1/3,1/3)$: $$ \pi(\boldsymbol{p}) \propto {p_1^ap_2^ap_3^a,p_1^{3a},p_2^{3a},p_3^{3a}} $$
rm(list=ls()) require("DiceEnterprise") setwd("~/Dropbox/OxWaSP/Dice Enterprise/R/DiceEnterprise/vignettes") #Change accordingly true_p <- c(1/3,1/3,1/3) #True value of p a <- 5 #Exponent n <- 1000 #Size sample CFTP num_cores <- 4 #Number of cores used initial_seed <- 7117 #Seed for RNG increase_degree <- 78 #How much the degree is increased de_list <- vector("list", length = increase_degree+1) #Store all the de objects set.seed(initial_seed, "L'Ecuyer-CMRG") #Construct the ladder cat("Constructing the dice enterprise \n") de <- DiceEnterprise$new(G=list( list(1,matrix(c(3*a,0,0),nrow=1,ncol=3)), list(1,matrix(c(a,a,a),nrow=1,ncol=3)), list(1,matrix(c(0,0,3*a),nrow=1,ncol=3)), list(1,matrix(c(0,3*a,0),nrow=1,ncol=3)) )) de_list[[1]] <- de cat("Constructing the augmented dice enterprises \n") for(i in 1:increase_degree) { #Check if it already exists if(file.exists(paste0("efficiency_multi_data/ladder_n_",n,"_a_",a,"_degree_",i,".rds"))) { cat("Restoring previous work for degree +",i," \n") prev_work <- readRDS(paste0("efficiency_multi_data/ladder_n_",n,"_a_",a,"_degree_",i,".rds")) de_list[[i+1]] <- prev_work$de_aug } else { cat("Constructing the augmented dice enterprises for +",i," \n") if(i == 1) { de_list[[i+1]] <- de$ } else { de_list[[i+1]] <- de_list[[i-1]]$ } #Save object saveRDS(list(de_aug=de_list[[i+1]],i=i), file = paste0("efficiency_multi_data/ladder_n_",n,"_a_",a,"_degree_",i,".rds")) } } #For each ladder get empirical number of tosses cat("Computing empirical number of tosses \n") emp_tosses <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = increase_degree+1) emp_res <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = increase_degree+1) colnames(emp_tosses) <- paste0("+",0:increase_degree) colnames(emp_res) <- paste0("+",0:increase_degree) for(i in 0:increase_degree) { #Check if it already exists if(file.exists(paste0("efficiency_multi_data/n_",n,"_a_",a,"_degree_",i,".rds"))) { cat("Restoring previous work for degree +",i," \n") prev_work <- readRDS(paste0("efficiency_multi_data/n_",n,"_a_",a,"_degree_",i,".rds")) emp_tosses[,i+1] <- prev_work$emp_tosses emp_res[,i+1] <- prev_work$emp_res } else { cat("Getting empirical tosses for +",i," \n") aux <- de_list[[i+1]]$sample(n=n, true_p = true_p, num_cores = num_cores, verbose = TRUE) emp_tosses[,i+1] <- aux[[2]] emp_res[,i+1] <- aux[[1]] #Save object saveRDS(list(emp_tosses=aux[[2]],emp_res=aux[[1]]), file = paste0("efficiency_multi_data/n_",n,"_a_",a,"_degree_",i,".rds")) } } apply(emp_tosses,2,mean)
#Prepare output res_output <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = increase_degree+1) colnames(res_output) <- paste0("+",0:increase_degree) res_output[1,] <- apply(emp_tosses,2,mean) print(res_output)
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