Man pages for giupo/rdataset
Timeseries container

abs_dsapply the abs function on all the timeseries contained in...
annual-methodsAnnualizza l'oggetto il Dataset in un dataframe
as.dataset-methodsCasts to a Dataset
as.list.DatasetRitorna il 'Dataset' come 'list' di oggetti
cash-Dataset-methodAccesses the timeseries/object based on its name
copy-methodsMakes a deep copy of the object
Dataset-classClasse contenitore di dati (serie storiche)
Dataset.RdDataset OOP
date_indexritorna un array di date da un index di xts
differences-methodsDifferenza tra Dataset
djoin-methodsEffettua il join ad una data per due Dataset
dot-to_xlsxExporta in xlsx un Dataset
from_data_frame_to_tsA converter from a data.frame to ts
from_jsonconverts a JSON timeseries to a BIMETS timeseries timeseries
from_listconverts a list structure to a BIMETS timeseries
fullSummary-methodstabs all the series in the Dataset
is.datasetchecks if 'x' is an object of type 'Dataset'
length-methodsReturns the length of the object
merge.Datasetmerges two timeseries datasets
names-methodsYields the names contained in the Object
relations-methodsequals relation operator
round-methodsYields a rounding of the object
saveDataset-methodsSalva un Dataset
shortSummary-methodsPrint a summary of this Dataset
show-methodsshows the object on the stdout
subsetting-methodsstandard method for accessing indexed elements in a container
sum.DatasetEsegue il 'sum' sul Dataset
to_jsonConverts to JSON a timeseries
to_listconverts a timeseries to a list representation
to_xlsx-methodsConverte in un file XLSX il dataset
union.DatasetFonde due dataset in un unico dataset Le serie storiche...
union-methodsFonde due dataset in un unico dataset Le serie storiche...
URLIST-methodsRitorna un data.frame con metadati delle serie
window.DatasetEsegue il 'window' sul Dataset
giupo/rdataset documentation built on May 17, 2021, 9:27 p.m.