Man pages for giupo/rutils
A bunch of utils

appender_rollingLogger appender with rolling file capabilities
check_multi_corechecks for multicore environment
combine2Esegue il prodotto cartesiano degli array di stringhe passati...
constainsStringcontrolla se una stringa e' nell'altra
dot-debugLogs an DEBUG message
dot-errorLogs an ERROR message
dot-fatalLogs an FATAL message
dot-infoLogs an INFO message
dot-traceLogs an TRACE message
dot-warnLogs an WARN message
ifelseifelse come dio comanda
ini_parseParses an INI file
init_loggingInit logging based on configuration file
is.darwinMisc Utils
is.jenkinsInternal Functions
is.StackReturns 'TRUE' if 'x' is a Stack
is.windowsMisc Utils
message_to_consoleWrites a message to console
prev_quarterthis function returns the previous quarter compared on the...
randomStringgenera stringhe random
readLinesbase::readLines error reporting sucks.
rolling_fileRolls the file based on parameters
setOptionHandling of options in R sucks chode big time.
should_roll_filepredicate that tells if a file needs to be "rolled"
sliceSlides the 'x' object in 'n' parts
StackStack data structure
tempdirthis is how a tempdir function sould work, not as the...
toml_parseParses a TOML file
unfoldRedefines all the object in a list, in the parent.frame
utilsJust like basename without the ext
whoamiSame as *nix command
workDirCreates a working directory
giupo/rutils documentation built on Sept. 18, 2022, 6:30 a.m.