match_birthplace_tot: Adjust migrant stock tables to have matching place of birth...

View source: R/match_birthplace_tot.R

match_birthplace_totR Documentation

Adjust migrant stock tables to have matching place of birth (origin) totals


This function is predominantly intended to be used within the ffs routines in the migest package.


match_birthplace_tot(m1, m2, method = "rescale", verbose = FALSE)



Matrix of migrant stock totals at time t. Rows in the matrix correspond to place of birth and columns to place of residence at time t+1.


Matrix of migrant stock totals at time t+1. Rows in the matrix correspond to place of birth and columns to place of residence at time t+1.


Character string matching either rescale, rescale-adjust-zero-fb, open or open-dr. See details.


Logical value to indicate the print the parameter estimates at each iteration of the rescale, as used in ipf2. By default FALSE.


The rescale and rescale-adjust-zero-fb method ensure flow estimates closely match the net migration totals implied by the changes in population totals, births and deaths - as introduced in the Science paper. The rescale-adjust-zero-fb can adjust for rare cases when row total margins that are smaller than native born totals in countries where there are no foreign born populations (e.g. South Sudan 1990-1995). The open-dr method allows for moves in and out of the global system - as introduced in the Demographic Research paper. The open method is a slight improvement over open-dr - the calculation of the moves and in and out using more sensible weights.


Returns a list object with:


Matrix of adjusted m1 where rows (place of births) match m2_adj.


Matrix of adjusted m2 where rows (place of births) match m1_adj.


Matrix of estimated inflows into the system.


Matrix of estimated outflows from the system.


Guy J. Abel


Abel and Cohen (2019) Bilateral international migration flow estimates for 200 countries Scientific Data 6 (1), 1-13

Azose & Raftery (2019) Estimation of emigration, return migration, and transit migration between all pairs of countries Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (1) 116-122

Abel, G. J. (2018). Estimates of Global Bilateral Migration Flows by Gender between 1960 and 2015. International Migration Review 52 (3), 809–852.

Abel, G. J. and Sander, N. (2014). Quantifying Global International Migration Flows. Science, 343 (6178) 1520-1522

See Also


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