  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"

This Package is built for Homework8 of STAT547 course to explore the process of building an R package using devtools(). The primary skeleton of this package is from Write your own R Package hands on activity, and the aim as it's mentioned in Homework8 description is to add more functionality and testing to foofactors() initial package.

There work flow of the building a package is well described in Jenny's Write your own R package, also I have put my understandings and work flow in a readme.rmd for homework8 Here.

Steps for installing the foofactors package

1. Install and load devtools




####2. Loading foofactors


####3. Browsing through the R pacakge structure
1. Rscripts for functions are in `R` folder
2. Tests for functions are in the `test` folder
3. Documentation could be found in DESCRIPTION file and `vignette` folder
4. You could always look at the help file by typing `?function name` example:`?fgap_coefs`

###4. Examples for running `fooctors`

+ `fbind()` example

fbind(iris$Species[c(1, 51, 101)], PlantGrowth$group[c(1, 11, 21)])

+ `freq_out()` example


+ `fgap_coefs()` example


+ `fgap_rw()` example

fgap_rw(gapminder::gapminder) ```

gjahesh/foofactors documentation built on May 17, 2019, 6:02 a.m.