uencode: Uniform encoder

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uencodeR Documentation

Uniform encoder


Quantize and encode floating-point inputs to integer outputs.


uencode(u, n, v = 1, signed = FALSE)



Input, a multidimensional array of numbers, real or complex, single or double precision.


Number of levels used in 2^{n}-level quantization. n must be between 2 and 32


Limit on the range of u to the range from -v to v before saturating them. Default 1.


Logical indicating signed or unsigned output. See Details. Default: FALSE.


y <- uencode(u, n) quantizes the entries in a multidimensional array of floating-point numbers u and encodes them as integers using 2^{n}-level quantization. n must be an integer between 2 and 32 (inclusive). Inputs can be real or complex, double- or single-precision. The output y and the input u are arrays of the same size. The elements of the output y are unsigned integers with magnitudes in the range 0 to 2^{n} - 1. Elements of the input u outside of the range -1 to 1 are treated as overflows and are saturated.

  • For entries in the input u that are less than -1, the value of the output of uencode is 0.

  • For entries in the input u that are greater than 1, the value of the output of uencode is 2^{n}-1.

y <- uencode(u, n, v) allows the input u to have entries with floating-point values in the range -v to v before saturating them (the default value for v is 1). Elements of the input u outside of the range -v to v are treated as overflows and are saturated:

  • For input entries less than -v, the value of the output of uencode is 0.

  • For input entries greater than v, the value of the output of uencode is 2^{n} - 1.

y <- uencode(u, n, v, signed) maps entries in a multidimensional array of floating-point numbers u whose entries have values in the range -v to v to an integer output y. Input entries outside this range are saturated. The integer type of the output depends on the number of quantization levels 2^{n} and the value of signed, which can be one of the following:

  • TRUE: Outputs are signed integers with magnitudes in the range -2^{n} / 2 to (2^{n} / 2) - 1.

  • FALSE (default): Outputs are unsigned integers with magnitudes in the range 0 to 2^{n} - 1.


Multidimensional array of the same size as u containing signed or unsigned integers.


Georgios Ouzounis, ouzounis_georgios@hotmail.com.
Conversion to R by Geert van Boxtel, G.J.M.vanBoxtel@gmail.com.


u <- seq(-1, 1, 0.01)
y <- uencode(u, 3)
plot(u, y)

gjmvanboxtel/gsignal documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 12:05 p.m.