xcov: Cross-covariance

View source: R/xcov.R

xcovR Documentation



Compute covariance at various lags (= correlation(x-mean(x), y-mean(y))).


  y = NULL,
  maxlag = if (is.matrix(x)) nrow(x) - 1 else max(length(x), length(y)) - 1,
  scale = c("none", "biased", "unbiased", "coeff")



Input, numeric or complex vector or matrix. Must not be missing.


Input, numeric or complex vector data. If x is a matrix (not a vector), y must be omitted. y may be omitted if x is a vector; in this case xcov estimates the autocovariance of x.


Integer scalar. Maximum covariance lag. If omitted, the default value is N-1, where N is the greater of the lengths of x and y or, if x is a matrix, the number of rows in x.


Character string. Specifies the type of scaling applied to the covariation vector (or matrix). matched to one of:


return the unscaled covariance, C


return the biased average, C/N


return the unbiased average, C(k)/(N-|k|)


return C/(covariance at lag 0)

, where k is the lag, and N is the length of x If omitted, the default value is "none". If y is supplied but does not have the same length as x, scale must be "none".


A list containing the following variables:


array of covariance estimates


vector of covariance lags [-maxlag:maxlag]

The array of covariance estimates has one of the following forms:

  1. Cross-covariance estimate if X and Y are vectors.

  2. Autocovariance estimate if is a vector and Y is omitted.

  3. If x is a matrix, C is a matrix containing the cross-covariance estimates of each column with every other column. Lag varies with the first index so that C has 2 * maxlag + 1 rows and P^2 columns where P is the number of columns in x.


Paul Kienzle, pkienzle@users.sf.net.
Conversion to R by Geert van Boxtel, G.J.M.vanBoxtel@gmail.com.

See Also



N <- 128
fs <- 5
t <- seq(0, 1, length.out = N)
x <- sin(2 * pi * fs * t) + runif(N)
cl <- xcov(x, maxlag = 20, scale = 'coeff')
plot (cl$lags, cl$C, type = "h", xlab = "", ylab = "")
points (cl$lags, cl$C)
abline(h = 0)

gjmvanboxtel/gsignal documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 12:05 p.m.