
#' Load data frame of foraging data that was previously saved using save_forage_data
#' @param file string or vector of strings; complete path to file name or vector of file paths. If a vector, returns one data frame.
#' @return resulting data frame
#' @export
load_blinks_data = function(file){

  dat = data.table()
  for(i in 1:length(file)){
    ext = tools::file_ext(file[i])
    if(ext == "csv"){
      this_dat = read.csv(file[i])
    }else if(ext == "Rdata"){
      this_dat = readRDS(file[i])
      stop("ERROR :: File type not recognized")

    dat = rbind(dat, this_dat)

gkane26/rblinks documentation built on May 24, 2019, 8:51 a.m.