
### Context: test cases for creating the combined data frames across the three DBMSs

test_that("Combining the three data sets together yields the correct size data set", {
  hps <- create_original_data()
  expect_that(ncol(hps), equals(6))
  expect_that(nrow(hps), equals(270*3))

### Context: test cases for creating the combined data frames across the three DBMSs

test_that("Creating the virtual data yields the correct size data set", {
  hps <- create_virtual_data()
  expect_that(ncol(hps), equals(6))
  expect_that(nrow(hps), equals(270*3))

### Context: test cases for creating the combined data frames across the three DBMSs

test_that("Creating the virtual data yields the correct size data set", {
  hps <- create_original_and_virtual_data()
  expect_that(ncol(hps), equals(6))
  expect_that(nrow(hps), equals((270*3)+(270*3)))
gkapfham/virtualmutationanalysis documentation built on May 17, 2019, 6:05 a.m.