Man pages for gkeele/Diploffect.INLA
INLA Implementation of the Diploffect Model

plot.deviation.ciPlot approximate posterior credible intervals of heterozygous...
plot.diplotype.ciPlot approximate posterior credible intervals of diplotype...
plot.straineff.ciPlot approximate posterior credible intervals of additive...
plot.varexp.ciPlot approximate posterior credible intervals of proportion...
rintReturns the rank-based inverse normal transformation
run.diploffect.inlaRun Diploffect model on diplotype (haplotype pair)...
run.diploffect.inla.summary.statsEstimate approximate posterior credible intervals for model...
run.diploffect.inla.through.genomecacheRun Diploffect model on diplotype (haplotype pair)...
gkeele/Diploffect.INLA documentation built on May 17, 2023, 8:37 a.m.