reactable (Unreleased)

New features

tbl <- reactable( mtcars, server = TRUE )

ui <- fluidPage( reactableOutput("tbl") )

server <- function(input, output) { output$tbl <- renderReactable({ tbl }) }

shinyApp(ui, server) `` * New [Reactable.gotoPage()]( and [Reactable.setPageSize()`]( methods in the JavaScript API to change the current page or set the current page size. (#322)

Minor improvements and bug fixes

reactable 0.4.4

Documentation - reactable 0.4.4

reactable 0.4.3

Documentation - reactable 0.4.3

reactable 0.4.2

Documentation - reactable 0.4.2

Minor improvements and bug fixes

reactable 0.4.1

Documentation - reactable 0.4.1

reactable 0.4.0

Documentation - reactable 0.4.0

New features

Minor improvements and bug fixes

Breaking changes

reactable 0.3.0

Documentation - reactable 0.3.0

This release upgrades to a new major version of React Table (#35), which brings many new features, improvements, and bug fixes. reactable has been largely rewritten to take advantage of React Table's new approach as a flexible table utility rather than a table component.

This means it'll be easier to add new custom features, customize styling and markup, and maintain reactable in the future. Most of the features and fixes in this release would not have been possible or easy to do without this upgrade.

Backward compatibility was kept where possible, but note that there are several breaking changes, particularly around the JavaScript API.

New features

Breaking changes

JavaScript render and style functions

Several properties and arguments have been renamed or moved for consistency with the rest of the API. These properties were not removed unless they were very rarely used, so most code should continue to work upon upgrading.

// New function(rowInfo) { rowInfo.values } * The `colInfo.column` and `` properties in header and cell render functions are now **deprecated**. The `colInfo` object now contains all of the same properties as `colInfo.column`, and is now referred to as `column` in the documentation. When possible, replace usages of `colInfo` with `column`, `colInfo.column` with `column`, and `` with `state.sortedData` (current rows after sorting and filtering) or `` (the original data).js // Old function(colInfo) { }

// New function(column, state) { state.sortedData } * The `state.expanded` property has been **removed**. To check whether a row is expanded, use `rowInfo.expanded` instead.js // Old function(rowInfo, column, state) { if (state.expanded[rowInfo.index]) { // row is expanded ... } }

// New function(rowInfo, column, state) { if (rowInfo.expanded) { // row is expanded ... } } * The `` and `` properties have been **removed**. To get the current page index of the table, use `` instead.js // Old function(rowInfo, column, state) { }

// New function(rowInfo, column, state) { } * When accessing row data in JavaScript render functions and style functions: * Date and time values are now represented in UTC time (ISO 8601 format), rather than local time without a timezone.js function(cellInfo) { // Old cellInfo.value // 2022-05-22T19:30:00

  // New
  cellInfo.value // 2022-05-22T19:30:00Z

  // With a UTC time, it's much easier to format dates in the user's local time
  return new Date(cellInfo.value).toLocaleString()

Other changes

Minor improvements and bug fixes

reactable 0.2.3

Bug fixes

reactable 0.2.2

Bug fixes

reactable 0.2.1

New features

Bug fixes

reactable 0.2.0

New features

Breaking changes

Bug fixes


reactable 0.1.0

glin/reactable documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 2:21 a.m.