knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


propsTable <- function(props) {
    style = "overflow: auto;",
    tabindex = "0",
      class = "props-tbl",
          lapply(colnames(props), function(name) tags$th(name))
        apply(props, 1, function(row) {
            tags$th(scope = "row", tags$code(row[["Property"]])),

You can conditionally style a table using functions that return inline styles or CSS classes. Just like with custom rendering, style functions can either be in R or JavaScript:

R functionsJavaScript functions
wzxhzdk:1 wzxhzdk:2
- Easier to use but more static - Style once, when the table is created - Harder to use but more dynamic - Style on the fly, based on client-side state

Whichever one to use depends on the situation and personal preference. You might prefer to use R functions except when you need more dynamic behavior (e.g., style based on sorted state).

Example: color scales

We can use R's built-in color utilities to apply a color scale to a column:

data <- iris[1:5, ]
orange_pal <- function(x) rgb(colorRamp(c("#ffe4cc", "#ffb54d"))(x), maxColorValue = 255)

  columns = list(
    Petal.Length = colDef(
      style = function(value) {
        normalized <- (value - min(data$Petal.Length)) / (max(data$Petal.Length) - min(data$Petal.Length))
        color <- orange_pal(normalized)
        list(background = color)

Example: highlight sorted columns

To style sorted columns, we need to use a JavaScript function to determine whether a column is currently being sorted:

  iris[1:5, ],
  defaultSorted = "Petal.Length",
  defaultColDef = colDef(
    class = JS("function(rowInfo, column, state) {
      // Highlight sorted columns
      for (let i = 0; i < state.sorted.length; i++) {
        if (state.sorted[i].id === {
          return 'sorted'
.sorted {
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03);

Cell Styling

R functions {#cell-r-functions}

Both style and class take an R function with up to 3 optional arguments:

  style = function(value, index, name) {
    # input:
    #   - value, the cell value
    #   - index, the row index (optional)
    #   - name, the column name (optional)
    # output:
    #   - a named list with camelCased property names
    list(color = "red", marginLeft = "30px")
    #   - or an inline style string
    "color: red; margin-left: 30px;"
  class = function(value, index, name) {
    # input:
    #   - value, the cell value
    #   - index, the row index (optional)
    #   - name, the column name (optional)
    # output:
    #   - CSS class names
    "class1 class2"

::: {.callout-note} Note: R functions cannot apply styles to aggregated cells. :::

JavaScript functions {#cell-js-functions}

Or a JavaScript function, wrapped in JS(), with up to 3 optional arguments:

  style = JS("
    function(rowInfo, column, state) {
      // input:
      //  - rowInfo, an object containing row info
      //  - column, an object containing column properties (optional)
      //  - state, an object containing the table state (optional)
      // output:
      //  - a style object with camelCased property names
      return { backgroundColor: 'gray' }
  class = JS("
    function(rowInfo, column, state) {
      // input:
      //  - rowInfo, an object containing row info
      //  - column, an object containing column properties (optional)
      //  - state, an object containing the table state (optional)
      // output:
      //  - CSS class names
      return 'class1 class2'

rowInfo properties

rowInfoProps <- dplyr::tribble(
  ~Property, ~Example, ~Description,
  "values", '{ Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" }', "row data values",
  "row", '{ Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" }', tagList("same as ", tags$code("values"), " (deprecated in v0.3.0)"),
  "index", "20", "row index (zero-based)",
  "viewIndex", "0", "row index within the page (zero-based)",
  "aggregated", "true", "whether the row is aggregated",
  "expanded", "true", "whether the row is expanded",
  "subRows", '[{ Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" }, ...]', "sub rows data (aggregated rows only)",
  "level", "0", "row nesting depth (zero-based)",
  "selected", "true", "whether the row is selected"


column properties

columnProps <- dplyr::tribble(
  ~Property, ~Example, ~Description,
  "id", '"Petal.Length"', "column ID",
  "name", '"Petal Length"', "column display name",
  "filterValue", '"petal"', "column filter value ",
  "setFilter", 'function setFilter(value: any)', tagList("function to set the column filter value",  "(set to ", tags$code("undefined"), " to clear the filter)")


state properties

stateProps <- dplyr::tribble(
  ~Property, ~Example, ~Description,
  "sorted", '[{ id: "Petal.Length", desc: true }, ...]', "columns being sorted in the table",
  "page", "2", "page index (zero-based)",
  "pageSize", "10", "page size",
  "pages", "5", "number of pages",
  "filters", '[{ id: "Species", value: "petal" }]', "column filter values",
  "searchValue", '"petal"', "table search value",
  "selected", '[0, 1, 4]', "selected row indices (zero-based)",
  "pageRows", '[{ Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" }, ...]', "current row data on the page",
  "sortedData", '[{ Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" }, ...]', "current row data in the table (after sorting, filtering, grouping)",
  "data", '[{ Petal.Length: 1.7, Species: "setosa" }, ...]', "original row data in the table",
  "meta", '{ custom: 123 }', tagList("custom table metadata from", tags$code("reactable()"), "(new in v0.4.0)"),
  "hiddenColumns", '["Petal.Length"]', "columns being hidden in the table"


Row Styling

R functions {#row-r-functions}

Both rowStyle and rowClass take an R function with a single argument:

  rowStyle = function(index) {
    # input:
    #   - index, the row index
    # output:
    #   - a named list with camelCased property names
    list(color = "red", marginLeft = "30px")
    #   - or an inline style string
    "color: red; margin-left: 30px;"
  rowClass = function(index) {
    # input:
    #   - index, the row index
    # output:
    #   - CSS class names
    "class1 class2"

::: {.callout-note} Note: R functions cannot apply styles to aggregated rows. :::

JavaScript functions {#row-js-functions}

Or a JavaScript function with up to 2 optional arguments:

  rowStyle = JS("
    function(rowInfo, state) {
      // input:
      //  - rowInfo, an object containing row info
      //  - state, an object containing the table state (optional)
      // output:
      //  - a style object with camelCased properties
      return { backgroundColor: 'gray' }
  rowClass = JS("
    function(rowInfo, state) {
      // input:
      //  - rowInfo, an object containing row info
      //  - state, an object containing the table state (optional)
      // output:
      //  - CSS class names
      return 'class1 class2'

rowInfo properties


state properties


```{css echo=FALSE} / rmarkdown html documents / .main-container { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }

.main-container blockquote { font-size: inherit; } ```

glin/reactable documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 2:21 a.m.