Man pages for global-trade-alert/gtabastiat

b_bing_itBastiat, please translate using bing.
b_case_squadBastiat, please send a squad to check these cases.
b_cleanBastiat, clean my string.
b_cutoff_probabilityBastiat, what's the minimum prediction probability for this...
b_evalBastiat, evaluate this pasted command.
b_gta_countriesBastiat, please convert this into GTA countries.
bing_itBastiat, please translate using bing (legacy function).
b_load_siteLegacy function only. Use bt_load_site() instead!
b_model_statsBastiat, generate the detective stats for this model.
b_process_keywordsBastiat, please process my text to find the GTA keywords.
b_resetBastiat, please reset yourself.
b_score_meBastiat, please score this detective's performance.
bt_bindBastiat, rbind two data frames.
bt_classify_by_keywordBastiat, please estimate a new squad classifier based on the...
bt_collect_urlBastiat, collects a URL and stores it locally using file...
bt_create_estimation_dataBastiat, please process my text and create the model...
bt_d2v_col_preprocessPrepare a doc2vec matrix using a pretrained word2vec model.
bt_d2v_preprocessPrepare a doc2vec matrix using a pretrained word2vec model.
bt_detective_predictionBastiat, have the detective predice this data.
bt_encoding_brute_forceTry conversion to every possible encoding
bt_estimate_classifierBastiat, please estimate this classifier.
bt_estimate_detectiveBastiat, please re-estimate this detective.
bt_estimate_news_leadsGenerates predictions for relevance using the most recent Mrs...
bt_estimate_squadPerform estimation of squad classifier
bt_extract_urlBastiat, please extract all URLs you find in the following...
bt_gen_d2v_concGenerate concatenated matrix of doc2vec vectors for Mrs...
bt_generate_2cat_tf_idfGet tf-idf scores for terms two categories of document and...
bt_generate_pr_metricsGenerates precision, and recall metrics for a given IR model....
bt_generate_tf_idf_agg_scoreGet the tf-idf-type scores per document using master vocab...
bt_get_detective_characteristicsBastiat, please retrieve the characteristics of this...
bt_get_max_bidGet the maximum numbered entry for a given BID stem
bt_get_squad_cutoffReturns current cutoff value used by the BT squad
bt_guess_countryCountry guesser: guesses country name contained in a string.
bt_guess_dateGuesses the date from a string
bt_guess_monthGuesses month index of several languages.
bt_kill_runaway_pjsTries to kill extraneous PJS processes on UNIX
bt_leads_classify_onlyThe classification part of bt_leads_core_update()
bt_leads_core_updateSend a prepared leads.core dataframe to the ricardo database...
bt_leads_df_kw_filterKeep/discard leads containing specified keywords Use...
bt_load_siteAn updated version of b_load_site
bt_sa_record_new_sourceChecks state acts for URLs and adds them to the tables for...
bt_scraper_checkpoint_0Check a scraper has initialised
bt_scraper_checkpoint_1Check the initial scrape worked properly
bt_scraper_checkpoint_2checks scraped data is ready for upload
bt_scraper_initInitialise the environment before scrape routine
bt_scraper_master_listShow/update DB for the master list of GTA scrapers
bt_squad_predictionBastiat, please use the squad classifier to identify relevant...
bt_store_sa_sourceMain function of the source collection process. Uses...
bt_sync_221_mainBastiat, please extract all URLs you find in the following...
bt_td_matrix_preprocessPreprocess a document corpus into fixed-length vectors of...
bt_text_preprocessBasic preprocessing of text for classification/training
bt_translateWrapper for google translate to prevent overtranslation
bt_unnest_tokensMake a df of tokens from each supplied document with per doc...
bt_update_bid_stem_logUpdate the list of BID stems
bt_update_core_kw_filterSet relevant/classify based on keywords Use...
bt_update_libraryGet the latest version from GitHub.
bt_update_news_classifierPulls news leads from the Ricardomain database and trains a...
bt_upload_to_awsBastiat, upload a file into our AWS S3 account and return its...
bt_xpath_nodes_intersectGet the intersection of two sets of xpath nodes
b_var_generationBastiat, draw new variables for my model.
b_var_poolBastiat, pool variables from two models.
b_xpathBastiat, extract from an XPATH but keep missing nodes as...
helloHello, World!
global-trade-alert/gtabastiat documentation built on June 4, 2023, 6:40 a.m.