memberships: memberships datacube documentation

membershipsR Documentation

memberships datacube documentation


memberships datacube documentation




The memberships datacube is a list that contains the following 3 datasets: GPTAD_MEM, DESTA_MEM, HUGGO_MEM. For more information and references to each of the datasets used, please use the manydata::call_sources() and manydata::compare_dimensions() functions.


A dataset with 2192 observations and the following 9 variables: manyID, treatyID, Title, Begin, stateID, Signature, Force, StateName, gptadID.


A dataset with 7466 observations and the following 9 variables: manyID, treatyID, Title, Begin, stateID, Signature, Force, StateName, destaID.


A dataset with 5608 observations and the following 20 variables: manyID, treatyID, Title, Begin, stateID, Signature, Force, End, StateName, gptadID, destaID, StateSignature, StateRatification, StateForce, StateEnd, Rat=Notif, Coder, Source, Succession, Accession.


#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |  Column Name  |  Data Type  |  Observations  |  Missing  |  Missing (%)  |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |    manyID     |  character  |            2192|     0     |       0       |
#> |   treatyID    |  character  |            2192|     0     |       0       |
#> |     Title     |  character  |            2192|     0     |       0       |
#> |     Begin     |    mdate    |            2192|    99     |     4.52      |
#> |    stateID    |  character  |            2192|    55     |     2.51      |
#> |   Signature   |    mdate    |            2192|    310    |     14.14     |
#> |     Force     |    mdate    |            2192|    285    |      13       |
#> |   StateName   |  character  |            2192|    36     |     1.64      |
#> |    gptadID    |  character  |            2192|     0     |       0       |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |  Column Name  |  Data Type  |  Observations  |  Missing  |  Missing (%)  |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |    manyID     |  character  |            7466|     0     |       0       |
#> |   treatyID    |  character  |            7466|     0     |       0       |
#> |     Title     |  character  |            7466|     0     |       0       |
#> |     Begin     |    mdate    |            7466|    630    |     8.44      |
#> |    stateID    |  character  |            7466|    11     |     0.15      |
#> |   Signature   |    mdate    |            7466|    630    |     8.44      |
#> |     Force     |    mdate    |            7466|   2864    |     38.36     |
#> |   StateName   |  character  |            7466|     0     |       0       |
#> |    destaID    |  character  |            7466|     0     |       0       |
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |   Column Name   |  Data Type  |  Observations  |  Missing  |  Missing (%)  |
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> |     manyID      |  character  |            5608|     1     |     0.02      |
#> |    treatyID     |  character  |            5608|     1     |     0.02      |
#> |      Title      |  character  |            5608|     1     |     0.02      |
#> |      Begin      |    mdate    |            5608|     1     |     0.02      |
#> |     stateID     |  character  |            5608|     2     |     0.04      |
#> |    Signature    |    mdate    |            5608|     3     |     0.05      |
#> |      Force      |    mdate    |            5608|    367    |     6.54      |
#> |       End       |    mdate    |            5608|    556    |     9.91      |
#> |    StateName    |  character  |            5608|     1     |     0.02      |
#> |     gptadID     |  character  |            5608|   3436    |     61.27     |
#> |     destaID     |  character  |            5608|    553    |     9.86      |
#> | StateSignature  |    mdate    |            5608|    903    |     16.1      |
#> |StateRatification|    mdate    |            5608|   4893    |     87.25     |
#> |   StateForce    |    mdate    |            5608|   1125    |     20.06     |
#> |    StateEnd     |    mdate    |            5608|    630    |     11.23     |
#> |    Rat=Notif    |  character  |            5608|   5536    |     98.72     |
#> |      Coder      |  character  |            5608|    16     |     0.29      |
#> |     Source      |  character  |            5608|   4886    |     87.13     |
#> |   Succession    |  character  |            5608|     1     |     0.02      |
#> |    Accession    |    mdate    |            5608|   4679    |     83.43     |
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------



  • GPTAD_MEM: Variable Mapping

    from to
    Membership StateName
    Common.Name Title
    Date.of.Signature Signature
    Date.of.Entry.into.Force Force
  • DESTA_MEM: Variable Mapping

    from to
    base_treaty destaID
    name Title
    year Signature
    entryforceyear Force
    c1:c91 stateID


  • GPTAD_MEM: W. B. Group. Global Preferential Trade Agreement Database (GPTAD). 2013.

  • DESTA_MEM: A. Dür, L. Baccini, and M. Elsig. "The Design of International Trade Agreements: Introducing a NewDatabase". In: The Review of International Organizations 9.3 (2014), pp. 353-375.

  • HUGGO_MEM: J. Hollway. Trade agreements for manydata. 2021.

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