Man pages for gmbecker/recordr
Semantic Annotation and Discoverability System for R-Based Artifacts

annotationText-methodsAccessor method for the annotation text (slot...
as-methodsConvert objects to lists
codeInfo-methodsAccessors for the code analysis information of FeatureSet...
conv_constrConvenience constructors for specific trackr backends
coordSystem-methodsAccessor method for the coordinate system (slot "coordsys")...
dataLabels-methodsAccessors for the axis labels PlotFeatureSet objects
dataNamesAccessor method for the variable names of the plot object....
dataTypes-methodsAccessor method for the variable types (slot "vartypes") of...
defaultTDBdefault TrackrDB
describePackage-methodsAccessor method for ObjFeatureSet "analysispkg" slot.
DocCollection-refclassesReference to a DocCollection
featureset-classesFeatureSet (and Sub)-Classes
fset_constructorsFeatureSet contstructors
fullData-methodsAccessor method for the data (slot "data") that is used in...
geomObject-methodsAccessors for the geom of GGplotFeatureSet objects
graphSys-methodsAccessor method for PlotFeatureSet "package" slot.
groupInfo-methodsAccessor method for the panel and other grouping information...
hasLegend-methodsAccessor method for the legend indicator (slot "haslegend")...
img_optsoptions extraction
interface-apiBackend-interface API
JSONBackendJSON backend for trackr
knit_and_recordKnit and record an Rmd, Rnw, etc file
main-apiPrimary high-level API functions for Trackr Databases
makeFeatureSetConstruct an ObjFeatureSet.
make_image_filesMake image files for a featureset
manifestFromRecordGenerate a (switchr) Seed Manifest from a Record
ndoc-TrackrDB-methodNumber of docs in a TrackrDB
nLayers-methodsAccessors for the number of layers of GGplotFeatureSet...
nObs-methodsAccessor method for the number of observations (slot "nobs")...
objCode-methodsAccessors for the code of FeatureSet objects
oldclassesggplot S4 classes
parseCodeParse result creation code
plot-methodsDisplay the plot object owned by PlotFeatureSet objects and...
position-methodsAccessors for the position of GGplotFeatureSet objects
print-methodsPrint method for an object of class gTree.
regDateTime-methodsAccessors for the registration Date/Time of FeatureSet...
RStudioExtrasRStudioExtras class
saveBasicPlotSave the plot object owned by an object of class/superclass...
statTransform-methodsAccessors for the stat(s) of GGplotFeatureSet objects
summary-methodsSummarize an object of class/superclass PlotFeatureSet
tags-methodsAccessors for the tags of FeatureSet objects
titles-methodsAccessors for the title(s) of FeatureSet objects
trackrAddinRStudio addin/Shiny app for artifact discovery
TrackrDB-classTrackr database
trackr_knit_envInternal details
TrackrOptions-classTrackr configuration options
trackroptstrackr options environment
uniqueID-methodsAccessor methods for "uniqueid" of FeatureSet objects
user-methodsAccessors for the "user" of FeatureSet objects
gmbecker/recordr documentation built on May 24, 2021, 10:59 a.m.