Man pages for gmonette/Tcells
Fits Tcell dynamic models with mixed models

f2LTurns a factor of a PD matrix to a left-triangular factor
f2RTurns a factor of a PD matrix to a right-triangular factor
hsMath Achievement in a sample of high school students
pdConstruct.pdIndConstruct pdInd object
pdFactor.pdIndFactor of a pdInd object.
pdIndConstuctor for Positive-Definite Matrix With Zero Covariances...
pdMatrix.pdIndpdMatrix method for pdInd objects
solve.pdIndsolve method for pdInd objects.
TcellsTcells: an R package to estimate cell dynamics with mixed...
Tcells-packageTcells: A package for Tcell dynamics with mixed models
varPoisExperimenting with varFunc
gmonette/Tcells documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:25 a.m.