up_apply: Apply a function to clusters of rows in a data frame

up_applyR Documentation

Apply a function to clusters of rows in a data frame


Apply a function to clusters of rows in a data frame and return the result so it is conformable with the data frame created by 'up' applied to the same data frame and same clustering formula


up_apply(object, form, FUN, ..., sep = "/")



a data frame as source for an aggregated result


a one-sided formula identifying the variable(s) in object that identifies clusters. e.g. ~ school/Sex to get a summary within each Sex of each school


a function to be applied to each data frame consisting of a cluster of rows of 'object'. The most common choice is with so that '...' can be an expression using variable names in 'object'.


other arguments to FUN, frequently when FUN is 'with', an expression using variable names in 'object'


zd <- data.frame(a=c('a','a','b','b','c','c','c'),
      b = c("B","B","A","B","C","D","D"), x = 1:7, y = 11:17)
zd$n <- capply(zd$x, zd[c('a','b')], length)
zdu <- up(zd, ~a, agg = ~b)
zdu$p <- up_apply(zd, ~ a, with, sum(x)/sum(y))

gmonette/spida2 documentation built on Aug. 11, 2024, 7:52 p.m.