knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.path = "man/figures/README-", out.width = "100%" )
an R package for running operations.Package contains standard running functions (aka. rolling) with additional
options like varying window size, lagging, handling missings and windows
depending on date. runner
brings also rolling streak and rolling which, what
extends beyond range of functions already implemented in R packages. This
package can be successfully used to manipulate and aggregate time series or
longitudinal data.
Install package from from GitHub or from CRAN.
# devtools::install_github("gogonzo/runner") install.packages("runner")
package provides functions applied on running windows. The most
universal function is runner::runner
which gives user possibility to apply
any R function f
in running window. In example below 4-months correlation
is calculated lagged by
1 month.
library(runner) x <- data.frame( date = seq.Date(Sys.Date(), Sys.Date() + 365, length.out = 20), a = rnorm(20), b = rnorm(20) ) runner( x, lag = "1 months", k = "4 months", idx = x$date, f = function(x) { cor(x$a, x$b) } )
There are different kinds of running windows and all of them are implemented in
Following diagram illustrates what running windows are - in this case running
windows of length k = 4
. For each of 15 elements of a vector each window
contains current 4 elements.
denotes number of elements in window. If k
is a single value then window
size is constant for all elements of x. For varying window size one should specify
as integer vector of length(k) == length(x)
where each element of k
defines window length. If k
is empty it means that window will be cumulative
(like base::cumsum
). Example below illustrates window of k = 4
for 10th
element of vector x
runner(1:15, k = 4)
denotes how many observations windows will be lagged by. If lag
is a
single value than it is constant for all elements of x. For varying lag size one
should specify lag
as integer vector of length(lag) == length(x)
where each
element of lag
defines lag of window. Default value of lag = 0
. Example
below illustrates window of k = 4
lagged by lag = 2
for 10-th element of
vector x
. Lag can also be negative value, which shifts window forward instead
of backward.
runner( 1:15, k = 4, lag = 2 )
Sometimes data points in dataset are not equally spaced (missing weekends,
holidays, other missings) and thus window size should vary to keep expected time
frame. If one specifies idx
argument, than running functions are applied on
windows depending on date. idx
should be the same length as x
of class Date
or integer
. Including idx
can be combined with varying window size, than k
will denote number of periods in window different for each data point. Example
below illustrates window of size k = 5
lagged by lag = 2
. In parentheses
ranges for each window.
idx <- Sys.Date() + c(4, 6, 7, 13, 17, 18, 18, 21, 27, 31, 37, 42, 44, 47, 48) runner( x = 1:15, k = "5 days", lag = "1 days", idx = idx )
Runner by default returns vector of the same size as x
unless one puts any-size
vector to at
argument. Each element of at
is an index on which runner
calculates function. Below illustrates output of runner for at = c(18, 27, 45, 31)
which gives windows in ranges enclosed in square brackets. Range for at = 27
[22, 26]
which is not available in current indices.
idx <- c(4, 6, 7, 13, 17, 18, 18, 21, 27, 31, 37, 42, 44, 47, 48) runner( x = idx, k = 5, lag = 1, idx = idx, at = c(18, 27, 48, 31) )
paddingUsing runner
one can also specify na_pad = TRUE
which would return NA
any window which is partially out of range - meaning that there is no sufficient
number of observations to fill the window. By default na_pad = FALSE
, which
means that incomplete windows are calculated anyway. na_pad
is applied on
normal cumulative windows and on windows depending on date. In example below two
windows exceed range given by idx
so for these windows are empty for
na_pad = TRUE
. If used sets na_pad = FALSE
first window will be empty
(no single element within [-2, 3]
) and last window will return elements within
matching idx
idx <- c(4, 6, 7, 13, 17, 18, 18, 21, 27, 31, 37, 42, 44, 47, 48) runner( x = idx, k = 5, lag = 1, idx = idx, at = c(4, 18, 48, 51), na_pad = TRUE )
User can also put data.frame
into x
argument and apply functions which involve
multiple columns. In example below we calculate beta parameter of lm
model on
1, 2, ..., n observations respectively. On the plot one can observe how lm
parameter adapt with increasing number of observation.
date <- Sys.Date() + cumsum(sample(1:3, 40, replace = TRUE)) # unequaly spaced time series x <- cumsum(rnorm(40)) y <- 30 * x + rnorm(40) df <- data.frame(date, y, x) slope <- runner( df, k = 10, idx = "date", function(x) { coefficients(lm(y ~ x, data = x))[2] } ) plot(slope) abline(h = 30, col = "blue")
The runner
function can also compute windows in parallel mode. The function
doesn't initialize the parallel cluster automatically but one have to
do this outside and pass it to the runner
through cl
library(parallel) # numCores <- detectCores() cl <- makeForkCluster(numCores) runner( x = df, k = 10, idx = "date", f = function(x) sum(x$x), cl = cl ) stopCluster(cl)
With runner
one can use any R functions, but some of them are optimized for
speed reasons.
These functions are:
- aggregating functions - length_run
, min_run
, max_run
, minmax_run
, mean_run
, streak_run
- utility functions - fill_run
, lag_run
, which_run
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