# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393
#' Fill NA with previous non-NA element
#' Fill `NA` with last non-NA element.
#' @inheritParams runner
#' @param run_for_first If first elements are filled with `NA`, `run_for_first = TRUE`
#' allows to fill all initial `NA` with nearest non-NA value. By default
#' `run_for_first = TRUE`
#' @param only_within `NA` are replaced only if previous and next non-NA
#' values are the same. By default `only_within = TRUE`
#' @return vector - `x` containing all `x` elements with `NA`
#' replaced with previous non-NA element.
#' @examples
#' fill_run(c(NA, NA, 1:10, NA, NA), run_for_first = TRUE)
#' fill_run(c(NA, NA, 1:10, NA, NA), run_for_first = TRUE)
#' fill_run(c(NA, NA, 1:10, NA, NA), run_for_first = FALSE)
#' fill_run(c(NA, NA, 1, 2, NA, NA, 2, 2, NA, NA, 1, NA, NA), run_for_first = TRUE, only_within = TRUE)
#' @export
fill_run <- function(x, run_for_first = FALSE, only_within = FALSE) {
.Call("_runner_fill_run", PACKAGE = "runner", x, run_for_first, only_within)
#' Lag dependent on variable
#' Vector of input lagged along integer vector
#' @inheritParams runner
#' @inheritParams sum_run
#' @param nearest `logical` single value. Applied when `idx` is used,
#' then `nearest = FALSE` returns observation lagged exactly by the
#' specified number of "periods". When `nearest = TRUE`
#' function returns latest observation within lag window.
#' @examples
#' lag_run(1:10, lag = 3)
#' lag_run(letters[1:10], lag = -2, idx = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10))
#' lag_run(letters[1:10], lag = 2, idx = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10), nearest = TRUE)
#' @export
lag_run <- function(x, lag = 1L, idx = integer(0), nearest = FALSE) {
.Call("_runner_lag_run", PACKAGE = "runner", x, lag, idx, nearest)
#' Length of running windows
#' Number of elements in k-long window calculated on `idx` vector.
#' If `idx` is an `as.integer(date)` vector, then k=number of days in window -
#' then the result is number of observations within k days window.
#' @inheritParams runner
#' @inheritParams sum_run
#' @examples
#' length_run(k = 3, idx = c(1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5))
#' @export
length_run <- function(k = integer(1), lag = integer(1), idx = integer(0)) {
.Call("_runner_length_run", PACKAGE = "runner", k, lag, idx)
#' Running min/max
#' `min_run` calculates running minimum-maximum on given `x` numeric
#' vector, specified `k` window size.
#' @inheritParams runner
#' @inheritParams sum_run
#' @param metric `character` what to return, minimum or maximum
#' @return list.
#' @export
minmax_run <- function(x, metric = "min", na_rm = TRUE) {
.Call("_runner_minmax_run", PACKAGE = "runner", x, metric, na_rm)
#' Running sum
#' Running sum in specified window of numeric vector.
#' @inheritParams runner
#' @param x `numeric` vector which running function is calculated on
#' @param k (`integer`` vector or single value)\cr
#' Denoting size of the running window. If `k` is a single value then window
#' size is constant for all elements, otherwise if `length(k) == length(x)`
#' different window size for each element.
#' @param lag (`integer` vector or single value)\cr
#' Denoting window lag. If `lag` is a single value then window lag is constant
#' for all elements, otherwise if `length(lag) == length(x)` different window
#' size for each element. Negative value shifts window forward.
#' @param idx (`integer`, `Date`, `POSIXt`)\cr
#' Optional integer vector containing sorted (ascending) index of observation.
#' By default `idx` is index incremented by one. User can provide index with
#' varying increment and with duplicated values. If specified then `k` and `lag`
#' are depending on `idx`. Length of `idx` have to be equal of length `x`.
#' @param at (`integer`, `Date`, `POSIXt`, `character` vector)\cr
#' Vector of any size and any value defining output data points. Values of the
#' vector defines the indexes which data is computed at.
#' @param na_rm `logical` single value (default `na_rm = TRUE`) -
#' if `TRUE` sum is calculating excluding `NA`.
#' @inheritParams runner
#' @return sum `numeric` vector of length equals length of `x`.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(11)
#' x1 <- rnorm(15)
#' x2 <- sample(c(rep(NA, 5), rnorm(15)), 15, replace = TRUE)
#' k <- sample(1:15, 15, replace = TRUE)
#' sum_run(x1)
#' sum_run(x2, na_rm = TRUE)
#' sum_run(x2, na_rm = FALSE)
#' sum_run(x2, na_rm = TRUE, k = 4)
#' @export
sum_run <- function(x, k = integer(0), lag = integer(1), idx = integer(0), at = integer(0), na_rm = TRUE, na_pad = FALSE) {
.Call("_runner_sum_run", PACKAGE = "runner", x, k, lag, idx, at, na_rm, na_pad)
#' Running mean
#' Running mean in specified window of numeric vector.
#' @inheritParams sum_run
#' @inheritParams runner
#' @return mean (`numeric`) vector of length equals length of `x`.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(11)
#' x1 <- rnorm(15)
#' x2 <- sample(c(rep(NA, 5), rnorm(15)), 15, replace = TRUE)
#' k <- sample(1:15, 15, replace = TRUE)
#' mean_run(x1)
#' mean_run(x2, na_rm = TRUE)
#' mean_run(x2, na_rm = FALSE)
#' mean_run(x2, na_rm = TRUE, k = 4)
#' @export
mean_run <- function(x, k = integer(0), lag = integer(1), idx = integer(0), at = integer(0), na_rm = TRUE, na_pad = FALSE) {
.Call("_runner_mean_run", PACKAGE = "runner", x, k, lag, idx, at, na_rm, na_pad)
#' Running maximum
#' `min_run` calculates running max on given `x` numeric vector,
#' specified `k` window size.
#' @inheritParams runner
#' @inheritParams sum_run
#' @return max (`numeric`) vector of length equals length of `x`.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(11)
#' x1 <- sample(c(1, 2, 3), 15, replace = TRUE)
#' x2 <- sample(c(NA, 1, 2, 3), 15, replace = TRUE)
#' k <- sample(1:4, 15, replace = TRUE)
#' max_run(x1) # simple cumulative maximum
#' max_run(x2, na_rm = TRUE) # cumulative maximum with removing NA.
#' max_run(x2, na_rm = TRUE, k = 4) # maximum in 4-element window
#' max_run(x2, na_rm = FALSE, k = k) # maximum in varying k window size
#' @export
max_run <- function(x, k = integer(0), lag = integer(1), idx = integer(0), at = integer(0), na_rm = TRUE, na_pad = FALSE) {
.Call("_runner_max_run", PACKAGE = "runner", x, k, lag, idx, at, na_rm, na_pad)
#' Running minimum
#' `min_run` calculates running min on given `x` numeric vector, specified `k` window size.
#' @inheritParams runner
#' @inheritParams sum_run
#' @return min (`numeric`) vector of length equals length of `x`.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(11)
#' x1 <- sample(c(1, 2, 3), 15, replace = TRUE)
#' x2 <- sample(c(NA, 1, 2, 3), 15, replace = TRUE)
#' k <- sample(1:4, 15, replace = TRUE)
#' min_run(x1)
#' min_run(x2, na_rm = TRUE)
#' min_run(x2, na_rm = TRUE, k = 4)
#' min_run(x2, na_rm = FALSE, k = k)
#' @export
min_run <- function(x, k = integer(0), lag = integer(1), idx = integer(0), at = integer(0), na_rm = TRUE, na_pad = FALSE) {
.Call("_runner_min_run", PACKAGE = "runner", x, k, lag, idx, at, na_rm, na_pad)
#' Running streak length
#' Calculates running series of consecutive elements
#' @param x {any type} vector which running function is calculated on
#' @inheritParams runner
#' @inheritParams sum_run
#' @return streak [numeric] vector of length equals length of `x` containing
#' number of consecutive occurrences.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(11)
#' x1 <- sample(c("a", "b"), 15, replace = TRUE)
#' x2 <- sample(c(NA_character_, "a", "b"), 15, replace = TRUE)
#' k <- sample(1:4, 15, replace = TRUE)
#' streak_run(x1) # simple streak run
#' streak_run(x1, k = 2) # streak run within 2-element window
#' streak_run(x2, na_pad = TRUE, k = 3) # streak run within k=3 with padding NA
#' streak_run(x1, k = k) # streak run within varying window size specified by vector k
#' @export
streak_run <- function(x, k = integer(0), lag = integer(1), idx = integer(0), at = integer(0), na_rm = TRUE, na_pad = FALSE) {
.Call("_runner_streak_run", PACKAGE = "runner", x, k, lag, idx, at, na_rm, na_pad)
#' Running which
#' `min_run` calculates running which - returns index of element where `x == TRUE`.
#' @inheritParams runner
#' @inheritParams sum_run
#' @param which `character` value "first" or "last" denoting if the first or last `TRUE`
#' index is returned from the window.
#' @return integer vector of indexes of the same length as `x`.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(11)
#' x1 <- sample(c(1, 2, 3), 15, replace = TRUE)
#' x2 <- sample(c(NA, 1, 2, 3), 15, replace = TRUE)
#' k <- sample(1:4, 15, replace = TRUE)
#' which_run(x1)
#' which_run(x2, na_rm = TRUE)
#' which_run(x2, na_rm = TRUE, k = 4)
#' which_run(x2, na_rm = FALSE, k = k)
#' @export
which_run <- function(x, k = integer(0), lag = integer(1), idx = integer(0), at = integer(0), which = "last", na_rm = TRUE, na_pad = FALSE) {
.Call("_runner_which_run", PACKAGE = "runner", x, k, lag, idx, at, which, na_rm, na_pad)
#' List of running windows
#' Creates `list` of windows with given arguments settings.
#' Length of output `list` is equal
#' @inheritParams runner
#' @return list of vectors (windows). Length of list is the same as
#' `length(x)` or `length(at)` if specified, and length of each
#' window is defined by `k` (unless window is out of range).
#' @examples
#' window_run(1:10, k = 3, lag = -1)
#' window_run(letters[1:10], k = c(1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5))
#' @export
window_run <- function(x, k = integer(0), lag = integer(1), idx = integer(0), at = integer(0), na_pad = FALSE) {
.Call("_runner_window_run", PACKAGE = "runner", x, k, lag, idx, at, na_pad)
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