Man pages for gonzalezben81/routlier
Highlights outliers in a dataset

detroitHomicide in Detroit: The role of Firearms.
routlier_dtReturns outlier(s) in a DT table
routlier_dt_sdReturns outlier(s) in a DT table where the users specifies...
routlier_formattableOutlier(s) returned in an formattable table
routlier_madReturns an outlier data frame in a DT table utilizing the...
routlier_quantileReturns a formattable data frame that highlights the outliers...
routlier_rhOutlier in Rhandsontable
routlier_rh_sdOutlier detection that returns an Rhandsontable data frame
routlier_simpleReturns outlier(s) in a simple data frame from routlier
routlier_tukeyFinds the Outliers in a dataset utilizing the Tukey's Method
studentStudent Performance dataset .
gonzalezben81/routlier documentation built on July 21, 2024, 1:01 a.m.