Man pages for google-trends-v1/gtm
Functions for Economic Nowcasting with Google Trends Data

BaggingBagging Forecasts for Multivariate Time Series
bt.intervalBootstapping Predictive Intervals
clust.factorDynamic Factors Extraction based on Time Series Clustering
df.cleanRemove Columns in a Data Frame Based on a Threshold
df.mergeRecursively Merging Data from a List
df.rmRemove Time Series Components for Variables in a Data Frame
df.splitSplitting a Multivariate Time Series Data Frame into...
Directional_NWWeighted and Unweighted Directional Forecast Test with...
DirPlotVisualization of the Directional Forecasts and the Original...
ForComboForecast Combination based on Mean or Median
ForCompareGenerate Model Comparison Table
get.trendsGetting Google Trends
load.dataLoading Data from a Directory
maeforecastEconomic Forecasting with High-Dimensional Data
maeforecast.alassoEconomic Forecasting with High-Dimensional Data (Adaptive...
maeforecast.arEconomic Forecasting with High-Dimensional Data (AR)
maeforecast.dfmEconomic Forecasting with High-Dimensional Data (Dynamic...
maeforecast.dfm2Economic Forecasting with High-Dimensional Data (Dynamic...
maeforecast.lassoEconomic Forecasting with High-Dimensional Data (Lasso)
maeforecast.postalassoEconomic Forecasting with High-Dimensional Data (Post...
maeforecast.postlassoEconomic Forecasting with High-Dimensional Data (Post-Lasso)
maeforecast.postnetEconomic Forecasting with High-Dimensional Data (Post...
maeforecast.rfEconomic Forecasting with High-Dimentional Data (Random...
maeforecast.ridgeEconomic Forecasting with High-Dimensional Data (Ridge)
maeforecast.rwEconomic Forecasting with High-Dimensional Data (Post-Lasso)
maeforecast.simplifiedEconomic Forecasting with High-Dimensional Data
MetricsMSE and Success Ratio of Forecasts
plot.BtIntervalVisualization of Bootstrapped Predictive Intervals
plot.MaeforecastPlot Results from Maeforecast Functions
plot.MSEPlot the Ratio or Difference between Recursive MSEs of two...
RecursiveMSERecursive MSE
summary.MaeforecastSummarize Results from Maeforecast Functions
t.rankRank the Test Statistics of Covariates
google-trends-v1/gtm documentation built on June 5, 2019, 5:13 p.m.