Man pages for google/abpackage
Pre-Period Enhanced A/B Testing

abpackageabpackage: Pre-Period Enhanced A/B Testing
CenterAndScalePrePeriodCenter and scale the pre-period data according to weights.
ComputePValueComputes empirical p-value from vector of data
ComputeStatsCompute stats from a vector of data
ConditionalRegressionComputes a deterministic approximation of the second stage of...
EmptyOutputReturns output where all values are NAs.
format.abFormat an 'ab' object for pretty printing.
GetCIsReturns credible intervals from an object of class 'ab'.
IsIllConditionedChecks whether the pre-period data would result in a ill...
IsIllConditionedMatrixChecks whether the design matrix for the second stage of...
IsPrePeriodValidCheck whether to use the pre.period or not.
NonStdStudentTQuantilesComputes the quantiles of the non-standardized Student's...
PermutationTestCompute permutation p-value for mean difference between...
plot.abPlot credible intervals
PosteriorComputes the posterior distribution of the post-period means.
PostOnlyPosteriorComputes the posterior distribution of the post-period means,...
PreCheckCheck pre-period alignment between treatment and control
PrePostCompute credible intervals
PrePostPosteriorComputes the posterior distribution of the post-period means,...
print.abPrint method for class 'ab'
ReshapeDataReshape data to have the structure required by 'PrePost' and...
SampleDataGenerates synthetic data from Gaussian distributions
SecondStageEstimationComputes estimates of the experiment period means given the...
SinglePrePostSinglePrePost returns the percentage change and the...
UnivariateLinearRegressionComputes the parameters of a univariate linear regression.
WeightedAverageWeightedAverage returns the weighted average of two vectors
WeightedSDWeightedSD returns the standard deviation of weighted average...
WeightedSEWeightedSE returns the standard error of weighted average two...
google/abpackage documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:44 a.m.