Man pages for gopalpenny/anem
Analytical element models for simple aquifers

anem_appRun anem shiny app
anem_app_scenarioanem-app scenario
aquifer_confined_exampleAquifer confined example
aquifer_unconfined_exampleAquifer unconfined example
bounds_exampleBounds example
bounds_sf_to_polygonBounds to polygon
bounds_to_sfGet bounds as sf object
check_aquiferCheck aquifer properties
check_boundsCheck boundaries
check_point_in_aquiferCheck point is in bounds
check_point_side_of_lineCheck point is in bounds
check_rectangleCheck rectangle
check_wellsCheck wells
define_aquiferDefine aquifer
define_boundsDefine boundaries with slope and intercept
define_rechargeDefine aquifer recharge
define_wellsDefine wells
gen_circGenerate an object that acts like a circle
gen_circleFunGenerate outline of circle
gen_circlesGenerate an object that acts like a circle
generate_image_wellsGenerate image wells across rectangular boundaries
gen_well_image_typeGet pumping sign
get_bounds_behaviorGet hydraulic behavior on bounds
get_capture_zoneGet capture zone
get_contourlinesGet contour lines
get_distance_to_boundsGet distance from point to bounds
get_drawdown_relationshipsGet drawdown relationships
get_edges_from_verticesVertices to edges
get_flow_directionCalculate the flow direction
get_flowdir_rawGet flow direction in confined aquifer
get_gridded_hydrodynamicsMap hydrodynamics
get_hydraulic_headGet hydraulic head
get_intersectionGet intersection of two lines
get_mirror_pointMirror a well across a boundary
get_nearest_point_on_lineGet nearest point on line
get_perpendicular_lineGet perpendicular line
get_point_on_quandrangleGet point on quadrangle
get_potential_differentialGet potential differential
get_pumping_signGet pumping sign
get_quad_verticesGet vertices of a quadrangle
get_quad_vertices_wideGet quadrangle vertices
get_recharge_divide_potentialRecharge divide potential function
get_recharge_flow_potentialRecharge flow potential function
get_recharge_undisturbed_potentialGet undisturbed hydraulic potential due to recharge
get_rectangleConvert quadrangle to rectangle
get_ROIEstimate the radius of influence of a well
get_row_as_vectorGet row of a data.frame as a vector
get_segments_behaviorGet hydraulic behavior along segments
get_segment_seqGet segment sequence
get_single_drawdown_relationshipGet drawdown relationship
get_slope_interceptGet slope and intercept
get_stream_functionGet stream function
get_utm_rectangleGet UTM Rectangle (WGS coords)
groundwater_districtGroundwater district anem-app scenario
import_app_rdsImport app rds
in_rangeTest if x is in range
longitude_to_utm_zoneGet UTM zone from coordinates
mirror_across_boundsRecursively mirror wells across boundaries
municipal_contaminationMunicipal contamination anem-app scenario
null_or_missingCheck for null or missing value in function
particle_velocity_m_dayGet particle velocity
plot_bounds_behaviorPlot behavior on boundaries
prep_bounds_sfConvert boundaries sf object to dataframe, with appropriate...
print.aquiferS3 Print method for class "aquifer"
reconstruct_image_pumpingReconstruct pumping at image wells
set_pumping_signGet pumping sign
shiny_runningIs shiny running?
track_particlesTrack particle in aquifer
use_anem_functionUse anem function
utm_zone_to_proj4Convert utm zone to proj4string
wells_exampleWells example
gopalpenny/anem documentation built on Dec. 20, 2020, 5:27 a.m.