Man pages for gpapadog/DAPSm
Distance Adjusted Propensity Score Matching

CalcDAPSWeightBalanceDAPSm with extensive search for optimal w.
CalculateBalanceCalculate balance of covariates before and after matching.
DAPSchoiceModelChoosing the optimal weight and fitting the corresponding...
DAPSestFitting DAPSm with fixed or optimal weight
DAPSoptDAPSm with optimal weight Function that chooses the optimal...
DAPSWeightCEPlot the effect estimate as a function of w.
dist.psThe central DAPS function
EmpCDFStandardizing a matrix to be between 0 and 1 using the...
FormDatasetForming a data set.
MatchedDataMapPlot matches.
MinDistMatchMatching on distance matrix
PlotBalancePlotting covariate balance before and after matching.
PlotWeightBalancePlotting balance.
StandDistStandardizing a matrix to be between 0 and 1.
toyDataToy data set.
toyData2Toy data set.
WeightChoiceThe central DAPS optimal function
gpapadog/DAPSm documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8 a.m.