Man pages for grady/geophyttertools
Plotting tools for geophytter+ output

apicomplexa.projApicomplexa geophytter+ topology simplex
apicomplexa.topsApicomplexa geophytter+ topology simplex
as.hexagonsExpand hexagon centerpoint grid into hexagon vertices
coord_simplexSpecial case of coord_fixed with aspect ratio set
corner_labelsAdd labels to the corners of the simplex
count.topologiesCount the trees in x which match the topologies in y
geom_simplexSpecial case of 'geom_polygon' for drawing the topology...
ggplot.geophytterConvenience method for plotting the topology simplex
lungfish.projLungfish sample projections onto locus of Frechet means
lungfish.topsLungfish geophytter+ topology simplex
read.projectionsRead geophytter+ projections file
read.topologiesRead geophytter+ simplex topologies file
treegridPlot tree topologies from geophytter object
grady/geophyttertools documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:01 a.m.