Man pages for graemetlloyd/Claddis
Measuring Morphological Diversity and Evolutionary Tempo

add_polymorphisms_to_costmatrixAdds polymorphisms to a costmatrix
add_uncertainties_to_costmatrixAdds uncertainties to a costmatrix
align_matrix_blockAligns a phylogenetic matrix block
assign_taxa_to_binsAssign taxa to time bins
bin_changesCounts the changes in a series of time bins
bin_character_completenessPhylogenetic character completeness in time-bins
bin_edge_lengthsEdge-lengths present in time-bins
build_cladistic_matrixCreates a morphological data file from a matrix
calculate_gCalculate the maximum tree length, g, under parsimony
calculate_gmaxCalculate the maximum possible tree length, gmax, under...
calculate_kardashian_indexCalculates a researcher's Kardashian Index
calculate_morphological_distancesGet distance matrices from a cladistic matrix
calculate_MPDCalculate mean pairwise distances
calculate_tree_lengthCalculates the parsimony length of a set of phylogenetic...
calculate_WMPDCalculate weighted mean pairwise distances
check_cladisticMatrixCheck cladisticMatrix object for errors
check_costMatrixCheck a costMatrix object for errors
check_stateGraphCheck a stateGraph object for errors
check_taxonGroupsCheck taxonGroups object for errors
check_timeBinsCheck timeBins object for errors
Claddis-packageMeasuring Morphological Diversity and Evolutionary Tempo...
classify_costmatrixClassify a costmatrix character
compactify_cladistic_matrixCollapses matrix to unique character state distributions
convert_adjacency_matrix_to_costmatrixConverts an adjacency matrix to a costmatrix
convert_costmatrix_to_stategraphConvert a costmatrix to a minimal state graph
convert_stategraph_to_costmatrixConvert a minimal state graph to a costmatrix
convert_state_tree_to_adjacency_matrixConverts a character state tree to an adjacency matrix
count_cherriesCounts the number of cherries in a tree
date_nodesReturns node ages for a time-scaled tree
day_2016Character-taxon matrix from Day et al. 2016
drop_time_tipDrop tips from a time-scaled tree
estimate_ancestral_statesAncestral Character State Estimation
find_costmatrix_minimum_spanFinds a minimum spanning tree of a costmatrix
find_descendant_edgesGets descendant edges of an internal node
find_linked_edgesFind linked edges for a tree
find_minimum_spanning_edgesGet edges of minimum spanning tree
find_mrcaFind ancestor
find_shortest_costmatrix_pathFinds the shortest path between two states in a costmatrix
find_stategraph_minimum_spanFinds a minimum spanning tree of a stategraph
find_time_bin_midpointsFind time bin midpoints
find_unique_treesFinds only the unique topologies amongst a set
fix_costmatrixFixes a costmatrix that has inconsistent costs
fix_root_timeFixes root.time after taxa have been pruned from a tree
gauthier_1986Character-taxon matrix from Gauthier 1986
is.cladisticMatrixCladistic matrix class
is.costMatrixCostmatrix class
is_graph_connectedIs a graph connected?
is.stateGraphStategraph class
is.taxonGroupsTaxon groups class
is.timeBinsTime bins class
locate_bracket_positionsLocates matching positions for sets of brackets in a text...
make_costmatrixMake a costmatrix for a given set of states
make_labelsMake unique text labels
map_dollo_changesStochastic Character Map For Dollo Character
match_tree_edgesEdge matching function
michaux_1989Character-taxon matrix from Michaux 1989
ordinate_cladistic_matrixPrincipal Coordinates on a Cladistic Matrix
partition_time_binsTime bin partitioner
permute_all_polymorphismsPermute all possible polymorphisms for a given set of states
permute_all_treeshape_labellingsLabel treeshapes
permute_all_uncertaintiesPermute all possible uncertainties for a given set of states
permute_connected_graphsPermute all connected graphs
permute_costmatricesPermute costmatrices
permute_graph_splitsPermute all ways to split a graph
permute_restricted_compositionsPermute all ways to place n items into m bins
permute_tipstatesPermute all tip states on a tree
permute_treeshapesPermute all treeshapes of N tips
plot_changes_on_treePlots character changes on branches
plot_chronophylomorphospaceChronophylomorphospace Plot
plot_morphospacePlot Morphopace
plot_morphospace_stackPlot stacked ordination spaces
plot_multi_morphospacePlot Multiple Morphopaces
plot_rates_characterVisualize a rate test time series
plot_rates_timeVisualize a rate test time series
plot_rates_treeVisualize a rate test time series
print.cladisticMatrixCompact display of a cladistic matrix
print.costMatrixCompact display of a costmatrix
print.stateGraphCompact display of a stategraph
print.taxonGroupsCompact display of taxon groups
print.timeBinsCompact display of time bins
prune_cladistic_matrixPrunes a character matrix of characters or taxa
read_nexus_matrixReads in a morphological #NEXUS data file
reconstruct_ancestral_statesDetermine maximum parsimony ancestral state reconstruction(s)
safe_taxonomic_reductionSafe Taxonomic Reduction
safe_taxonomic_reinsertionReinsert Safely Removed Taxa Into A Tree
split_out_subgraphsSplit adjacency matrix into subgraphs
test_ratesDiscrete character rates across trees, time, and character...
trim_marginal_whitespaceTrims marginal whitespace
trim_matrixTrims a morphological distance matrix
write_nexus_matrixWrites out a morphological #NEXUS data file
write_tnt_matrixWrites out a morphological TNT data file
graemetlloyd/Claddis documentation built on May 9, 2024, 8:07 a.m.