API for graggsd/sgcleanup
Useful Functions to Clean and Reshape Data

Global functions
add_OR_bounds Man page Source code
add_OR_bounds.data.frame Source code
add_OR_bounds.tbl_df Source code
convert_from_NA Man page Source code
convert_to_NA Man page Source code
edit_values Source code
format_p_val Man page Source code
gather_factors Source code
get_factor_levels Man page Source code Source code
get_first_levels Man page Source code
get_tidy_dat Source code
hello Man page
idx_regex_col Source code
idx_value_col Source code
refactor_by_idx Man page Source code
round_tz Man page Source code
spread_multi Man page Source code
spread_multi_values Source code
sub_regex Man page Source code
sub_value Man page Source code
tabulate_wd Man page Source code
test_assumptions Source code
wd_histograms Source code
wd_qnorm Source code
wd_violin Source code
graggsd/sgcleanup documentation built on May 28, 2019, 8:53 p.m.