
# helper function for using rprojroot
get_my_path <- function(filename) {
    "testing_data", filename

# test_that("Plot layers match expectations",{
# 	p <- put_axes(0)
# 	expect_is(p$layers[[1]], "proto")
# 	expect_identical(p$layers[[1]]$geom$objname, "bar")
# 	expect_identical(p$layers[[1]]$stat$objname, "identity")
# })

# ## create argumnents and expected result
# ## arguments in a list to be use with do.call
# data("CO2")
# x <- as.data.frame(head(CO2, n = 5L))
# sigdig <- c(3, 3)
# ambig_0_adj <- TRUE
# y <- format_engr(x, sigdig = sigdig, ambig_0_adj = ambig_0_adj)
# rm("CO2")
# ## for testing format_engr()
# my_args <- list(x, sigdig, ambig_0_adj)
# save(my_args, file = "tests/testthat/testing_data/my_args_01.rda")
# exp_out <- format_engr(x, sigdig = sigdig, ambig_0_adj = ambig_0_adj)
# save(exp_out, file = "tests/testthat/testing_data/exp_out_01.rda")
# ## for testing align_pander()
# my_args <- list(y)
# save(my_args, file = "tests/testthat/testing_data/my_args_02.rda")
# exp_out <- capture_output(align_pander(y))
# save(exp_out, file = "tests/testthat/testing_data/exp_out_02.rda")
graphdr/docxtools documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 7:30 a.m.