Man pages for gravatarsmiley/capstoneR
Exploring the NOAA Significant Earthquake Database

clean_NOAAThe NOAA Significant Earthquake Database A dataset containing...
eq_clean_dataClean the raw NOAA earthquake data to interface well with the...
eq_create_labelCreates a label for leaflet map This function creates a label...
eq_good_dateCombine the year, month, and day columns in the NOAA...
eq_location_cleanClean up location names in the NOAA earthquake database The...
eq_mapCreate an interactive map of historical earthquakes Create an...
geom_timelineA geom for adding a timeline plot This geom plots a timeline,...
GeomTimelineCreate the ggproto object for geom_timeline This function...
geom_timeline_labelA geom for labeling the timeline plot from 'geom_timeline'...
GeomTimelineLabelCreate the ggproto object for geom_timeline_label This...
my_draw_key_circleAllow geom_timeline to draw a useful legend; this function is...
stat_timelineThe stat to enable geom_timeline to use date ranges as...
StatTimelineCreate the ggproto object for stat_timeline This function...
stat_timeline_labelThe stat to enable geom_timeline_label to use date ranges and...
StatTimelineLabelCreate the ggproto object for stat_timeline_label This...
title_caseConvert a string to Title Case. Have 'a string like this'?...
gravatarsmiley/capstoneR documentation built on May 30, 2019, 4:06 a.m.