Man pages for greenplum-db/GreenplumR
A Fast, Easy-to-Use Tool for Manipulating Tables in Databases

abaloneAbalone data set
aggregate-methodsFunctions to perform a calculation on multiple values and...
arith-methodsArithmetic Operators for 'db.obj' objects strings extracted from database into arrays
array.lenGet the length of the array in an array column other objects into a '' object
as.environmentEvaluate expressions within the context of a database table...
as.factor-methodsConvert one column of a 'db.obj' object into a categorical...
by-methodsApply a Function to a '' Split by column(s)
cbind2Combine two 'db.obj' Objects by Columns
compare-methodsComparison Operators for 'db.obj' objects
connection-infoUtilities for extracting related information about a database...
conn.eqlCheck whether two connections are the same
conn.idFind out the connection ID of a 'db.obj' object
contentPrint the content of a 'db.obj' object
crossprodCompute the matrix product of 'X^T' and 'Y'.
db.connectCreate a connection to a database
db.connect.dsnCreate a connection to a database a '' object pointing to a table/view in... '""'
db.disconnectDisconnect a connection to a database
db.existsObjectTest whether an object exists in the database
db.gpapplyApply a R function to every row of data inside GPDB.
db.gptapplyData inside GPDB is group by a selected index. A R function...
db.listList all the currently active connections with their...
db.obj-classAbstract Class '"db.obj"'
db.objectsList all the existing tables/views in a database with their...
db.qExecute a SQL query
db.Rcrossprod-classClass '"db.Rcrossprod"'
db.Rquery-classClass '"db.Rquery"' and its sub-class 'db.Rview-class' or set the search path (i.e. default schemas) for a...
db.table-classClass '"db.table"'
db.view-classClass '"db.view"'
delete-methodsSafely delete a 'db.obj' object or a table/view in the...
dim-methodsDimension of a table
eql-methodsTest if two objects point to the same table
extract-replace-methodsExtract or replace a part of 'db.obj' objects
func-methodsMathematical functions that take 'db.obj' objects as the...
greenplumrGraphical interface for GreenplumR based upon shiny
ifelseConditional Element Selection if an object is of type ''
is.factor-methodsDetect whether a 'db.obj' object is a categorical object if the entries in a table are NULL
keyGet or set the primary key for a table
logical-methodsLogical operations for 'db.obj' objects
merge-methodsComputing a join on two tables
na.actionFunctions for filtering 'NA' values in data
names-methodsThe Names of an object
null.dataA Data Set with lots of 'NA' values
pkg-packageAn R client of PL/Container and PL/R to Greenplum database.
previewRead the actual data stored in a table of database.
print-methodsDisplay the connection information associated with a 'db'...
print.none.objFunction used in GUI to print absolutely nothing
row_actionsCompute the sum or mean of all columns in one row of a table
sample-methodsMethods for sampling rows of data from a table/view randomly
scale-methodsScaling and centering of tables
sort-methodsSort a table or view by a set of columns
subset-methodsExtract a subset of a table or view
type-castCast columns of 'db.obj' objects to other types
unique-methodsThe Unique of an object
greenplum-db/GreenplumR documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 8:09 a.m.