db.obj-class: Abstract Class '"db.obj"'

db.obj-classR Documentation

Abstract Class "db.obj"


The super class of db.data.frame and db.Rquery

Objects from the Class

A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.


See db.data.frame for all the available methods and functions.


Author: Predictive Analytics Team at Pivotal Inc.

Maintainer: Frank McQuillan, Pivotal Inc. fmcquillan@pivotal.io

See Also

db.data.frame creates a db.data.frame object.

as.db.data.frame converts db.Rquery object, data.frame, or a data file into a db.data.frame object and at the same time creates a new table in the database.

db.data.frame and db.Rquery are the sub-classes.

lk or lookat displays a part of the table

greenplum-db/GreenplumR documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 8:09 a.m.