
#' League of Legends data
#' A data set containing the LCK statistics for the summer 2018 season.
#' \itemize{
#'     \item{K}{Champion kills}
#'     \item{D}{Champion deaths}
#'     \item{DK}{dragon kills}
#'     \item{TK}{tower kills}
#'     \item{BK}{baron kills}
#'     \item{DMG}{damage to Champions}
#'     \item{WD}{wards}
#'     \item{WDK}{ward kills}
#'     \item{GD}{gold earned}
#'     \item{MIK}{minion kills}
#'     \item{MOK}{monster kills}
#'     \item{MOKOJ}{monster kills own jungle}
#'     \item{MOKEJ}{monster kills enemy jungle}
#'     \item{GD10}{earned gold after 10 minutes}
#'     \item{XP10}{experience after 10 minutes}
#'     \item{CS10}{creep score after 10 minutes}
#' }
#' @name LCK_data
#' @format A list with four elements.
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{fa_data}{A data frame with 494 rows and 16 columns.}
#'     \item{group}{A vector of team names for each observation.}
#'     \item{splits}{A data frame with one column which represent a
#'     time-respecting data split (first half of 2018 summer season
#'     for train, and the second half for test). 2 stands for the train
#'     observations and 1 stands for test observations.}
#'     \item{sup_data}{A data frame with one column which represents the
#'     datetime of the game.}
#'   }
#' @source \url{https://oracleselixir.com/}
gregorp90/RStan-package-test documentation built on May 26, 2019, 1:32 a.m.