Man pages for grimbough/rhdf5
R Interface to HDF5

H5AcloseClose an HDF5 attribute
H5AcreateCreate an attribute for an HDF5 object
H5AdeleteDelete an specified attribute of an HDF5 object
H5AexistsCheck whether an specific attribute exists for an HDF5 object
H5Aget_nameGet the name of an HDF5 attribute object
H5Aget_spaceGet a copy of the attribute dataspace
H5Aget_typeGet a copy of the attribute datatype
H5AopenOpen an attribute for an HDF5 object
H5AreadRead data from an HDF5 attribute
H5AwriteWrite data to an HDF5 attribute
h5checkFiltersIdentifies the filters required to read a dataset If filters...
h5closeAllClose open HDF5 handles
h5constantsHDF5 library constants.
h5_createAttributeCreate HDF5 attribute
h5_createDatasetCreate HDF5 dataset
h5_createFileCreate HDF5 file
h5_createGroupCreate HDF5 group
H5DcloseClose an open HDF5 dataset
H5DcreateCreate a new HDF5 dataset
h5_deleteDelete objects within a HDF5 file
h5_deleteAttributeDelete attribute
H5D_extrasAdditional functions for finding details of dataset chunking.
H5Dget_create_plistReturn a copy of the dataset creation property list for a...
H5Dget_spaceReturn a copy of the HDF5 dataspace for a dataset
H5Dget_storage_sizeFind the amount of storage allocated for a dataset
H5Dget_typeReturn a copy of the HDF5 datatype for a dataset
H5DopenOpen an existing HDF5 dataset
H5DreadRead from an HDF5 dataset
H5Dset_extentChange the dimensions of an HDF5 dataset
h5_dumpDump the content of an HDF5 file.
H5DwriteWrite data to dataset
h5_errorHandlingSet how HDF5 error messages are displayed
H5FcloseClose access to an HDF5 file
H5FcreateCreate an HDF5 file
H5FflushFlush all buffers associated with a file to disk
H5Fget_filesizeFind the size of an open HDF5 file
H5Fget_nameRetrieve the name of the file to which an object belongs
H5Fget_plistGet property lists associated with an HDF5 file
h5_FileLockingTest and set file locking for HDF5
H5Fis_hdf5Determine whether a file is in the HDF5 format
H5FopenOpen an existing HDF5 file
H5functionsHDF5 General Library Functions
H5GcloseClose a specified group
H5GcreateCreate a new HDF5 group and link it to a location in a file
H5Gcreate_anonCreate a new HDF5 group without linking it into a file
H5Gget_infoRetrieve information about a group
H5GopenOpen a specified group
H5IdComponent-classAn S4 class representing an H5 object
H5Iget_nameRetrieve the name of an object from a given identifier
H5Iget_typeFind the type of an object
H5Iis_validDetermine whether an identifier is valid
H5LcopyCopy a link from one location to another
H5Lcreate_externalCreate a link to an object in a different HDF5 file
H5LdeleteRemove a link from a group
H5LexistsConfirm existence of a link
H5Lget_infoFind information about a link
h5listObjectsList all open HDF5 objects.
H5LmoveMove a link within an HDF5 file
h5lsList the content of an HDF5 file.
H5OcloseClose an HDF5 object
H5OcopyCopies an HDF5 object
H5Oget_num_attrsFind the number of attributes associated with an HDF5 object
H5OlinkCreate a hard link to an object in an HDF5 file
H5OopenOpen an object in an HDF5 file
H5P_chunkGet and set the size of the chunks used to store a chunked...
H5P_chunk_cacheSet parameters for the raw data chunk cache
H5PcloseClose and release a property list
H5PcopyCopy an existing property list to create a new property list
H5PcreateCreate a new HDF5 property list
H5P_create_intermediate_groupGet and set whether to create missing intermediate groups
H5P_fill_timeSet the time when fill values are written to a dataset
H5P_fill_valueSet the fill value for an HDF5 dataset
H5Pfill_value_definedDetermine whether a property list has a fill value defined
H5P_filtersQuery dataset filter properties.
H5Pget_classReturn the property list class identifier for a property list
H5Pget_versionGet version information for objects in a file creation...
H5P_istore_kGet and set the 1/2 rank of an indexed storage B-tree
H5P_layoutGet and set the type of storage used to store the raw data...
H5P_libver_boundsControl the range of HDF5 library versions that will be...
H5Pobject_track_timesSet whether to record timestamps for operations performed on...
H5Pset_bloscAdd the BLOSC filter to the chunk processing pipeline.
H5Pset_bzip2Add the BZIP2 filter to the chunk processing pipeline.
H5Pset_deflateAdd the deflate compression filter to the chunk processing...
H5Pset_fapl_ros3Set the read-only S3 virtual file driver
H5Pset_filterAdd a filter to the dataset filter pipeline.
H5Pset_lzfAdd the LZF filter to the chunk processing pipeline.
H5Pset_nbitAdd the N-Bit filter to the chunk processing pipeline.
H5Pset_shuffleAdd the shuffle filter to the chunk processing pipeline.
H5Pset_szipAdd the SZIP compression filter to the chunk processing...
H5Pshared_mesg_indexGet and set shared object header message index properties
H5P_shared_mesg_nindexesGet and set the number of object header message indexes
H5P_shared_mesg_phase_changeGet and set threshold values for storage of shared object...
H5P_sizesGet and set the sizes of offsets and lengths used in an HDF5...
H5P_sym_kGet and set the size of the symbol table B-tree 1/2 rank and...
H5P_userblockGet and set the user block size
H5RH5R - References to objects and regions
H5RcreateCreate a reference
H5RdereferenceOpen a reference object.
h5_readReads and write object in HDF5 files
h5_readAttributesRead all attributes from a given location in an HDF5 file
H5Ref-classAn S4 class representing H5 references.
H5Rget_nameReturn the name of the object that a reference points to
H5Rget_obj_typeIdentify the type of object that a reference points to
H5Rget_regionReturn selection for a reference to dataset region
h5_saveSaves a one or more objects to an HDF5 file.
H5ScloseClose and release a dataspace
H5Scombine_hyperslabPerform operation between an existing selection and an...
H5Scombine_selectCombine two selections
H5ScopyCreate a copy of a dataspace
H5ScreateCreate a new dataspace of a specified type
H5Screate_simpleCreate a simple dataspace
h5_set_extentSet a new dataset extension
H5Sget_select_npointsFind the number of elements in a dataspace selection
H5Sget_simple_extent_dimsFind the size of a dataspace
H5Sis_simpleDetermine whether a dataspace is a simple dataspace
H5Sselect_allSet the selection region of a dataspace to include all...
H5Sselect_hyperslabPerform operation between an existing selection and an...
H5Sselect_indexSelect elements of a dataspace using R-style indexing
H5Sselect_noneSet the selection region of a dataspace to include no...
H5Sselect_validCheck that a selection is valid
H5Sset_extent_simpleSet the size of a dataspace
H5SunlimitedRetrieve value for 'H5S_UNLIMITED' constant
H5TcopyCopy an existing datatype
H5T_csetRetrieve or set the character set to be used in a string...
H5T_enumCreate or modify an HDF5 enum datatype
H5Tis_variable_strDetermine whether a datatype is a variable length string
H5T_opsGet details of HDF5 data types
H5T_precisionRetrieve or set the precision of an HDF5 datatype
H5T_sizeRetrieve or set the type of padding used by string datatype
H5T_strpadRetrieve or set the type of padding used by string datatype
h5versionPrint the rhdf5 and libhdf5 version numbers
h5_writeWrite object to an HDF5 file.
h5_writeAttributeWrite an R object as an HDF5 attribute
H5Zfilter_availDetermine whether a filter is available on this system
rhdf5rhdf5: An interface between HDF5 and R
grimbough/rhdf5 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 5:32 a.m.