H5Ocopy: Copies an HDF5 object

View source: R/H5O.R

H5OcopyR Documentation

Copies an HDF5 object


Copies an HDF5 object


H5Ocopy(h5loc, name, h5loc_dest, name_dest, obj_cpy_pl = NULL, lcpl = NULL)



An object of class H5IdComponent representing an open HDF5 object where the source obiect should be copied from.


Character vector of length 1, giving the name of the source object to be copied.


An object of class H5IdComponent representing an open HDF5 object where the new copy should be created.


Character vector of length 1, giving the name of the new object to be created.

obj_cpy_pl, lcpl

H5IdComponent objects representing object copy and link creation property lists respectively. If left as NULL the default values for these will be used.


## Create a temporary copy of an example file check the contents
example_file <- system.file("testfiles", "h5ex_t_array.h5", package="rhdf5")
file.copy(example_file, tempdir())
h5_file <- file.path(tempdir(), "h5ex_t_array.h5")

## open the example file and create a new, empty, file
fid1 <- H5Fopen( h5_file )
h5_file2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".h5")
fid2 <- H5Fcreate( h5_file2 )

## We can copy a dataset inside the same file
H5Ocopy(h5loc = fid1, name = "DS1", h5loc_dest = fid1, name_dest = "DS2")
## Or to a different file
H5Ocopy(h5loc = fid1, name = "DS1", h5loc_dest = fid2, name_dest = "DS1_copy")

## if we want to create a new group hierarchy we can use a link creation property list
lcpl <- H5Pcreate("H5P_LINK_CREATE")
H5Pset_create_intermediate_group( lcpl, create_groups = TRUE )
H5Ocopy(h5loc = fid1, name = "DS1", h5loc_dest = fid2, 
        name_dest = "/foo/baa/DS1_nested", lcpl = lcpl)

## tidy up

## Check we now have groups DS1 and DS2 in the original file
h5ls( h5_file )
## Check we have a copy of DS1 at the root and nests in the new file
h5ls( h5_file2 )

grimbough/rhdf5 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 5:32 a.m.