LSP R Client

The LSP R client package allows R users to extract data from an LSP installation using the LSP REST API.

The prerequisites for connecting to LSP is an API token, which is obtainable from the "User Settings" page in LSP.



Available on CRAN, installable with



Windows users may need to download the binary package from


install_github( 'gritsystems/lsprclient', ref='$CURRENT_VERSION' )

where $CURRENT_VERSION is a git commit reference, preferably a tag, e.g. 1.0.0 or master to get the HEAD of the master branch.

Basic usage

Get your API key from LSP

First off, obtain the API key from LSP by logging in to the LSP installation and pressing your username in the upper right corner

clicking settings

This should open the settings window, where your API key can be obtained.

settings dialog

After installing the LSPRClient, copy the token into the call to the connectToLSP function along with the server adress:

connectToLSP('https://lspinstallation.yourserver.tld/', 'copied_token_goes_here')

And execute the function. If all goes well, you should see the message

Successfully authenticated with LSP API (v0.1.0), ready to continue

and you should be all set up to begin querying the LSP installation for data.


Contributions are most welcome!

Fork the repository, create a branch named something relating to the feature/bug you're developing and send us a pull request

gritsystems/LSPRClient documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:38 a.m.