Man pages for grunwaldlab/quiltr
Automated website creation from scattered HTML

copy_folder_with_linksCopy folders with links
formats_quilt_can_renderFile formats 'quilt' can render
get_common_dirGet a directory common to all paths
get_config_pathsGet paths to configuration files
get_config_valueGet value of option in config file
get_content_filesGet paths to content
get_convertersGet file rendering functions
get_file_dependenciesGet content file dependencies
get_file_in_parentFind files in parent directories
get_functionGet functions in package
get_git_ignoredGet list of files ignored by git
get_hierarchyGet content hierarchy
get_html_dependenciesGet html file dependencies
get_optionGet option value for a given context
get_remote_git_ignoredGet list of remote files ignored by git
get_rmd_yamlExtract YAML attribute
list_quiltr_templatesList Quiltr templates
make_generic_pandoc_converterMake pandoc conversion functions
make_gh_websiteMake a github pages website
make_hierarchy_htmlCreates hierarchical menu html from file names
make_master_rmdMake composite webpage
make_output_yamlGenerate _output.yaml for website
make_parent_htmlMake Rmd code to display HTML pages
make_quiltr_templateMake a template directory
pandoc_extension_identifiersFile extensions for pandoc highlighting
pandoc_is_availableCheck if pandoc exists
quiltMake a website from a directory
quiltr_convert_exe_to_htmlConvert exe to html link
quiltr_convert_html_to_htmlConvert html to html
quiltr_convert_md_to_htmlConvert md to html
quiltr_convert_pdf_to_htmlConvert pdf to html
quiltr_convert_png_to_htmlConvert png to html
quiltr_convert_rmd_to_htmlConvert rmd to html
quiltr_convert_r_to_htmlConvert R to html
quiltr_convert_txt_to_htmlConvert txt to html
quiltr_template_defaultQuiltr template for default options
quilt_to_remoteQuilt and rsync result to remote server
render_files_to_htmlConvert a set of files to html
rsync_pullRsync remote files ignored by git
rsync_pushRsync files ignored by git
sys_globWildcard expansion
grunwaldlab/quiltr documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:40 a.m.